Going against guide lines

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We almost at the boutique, we jamming to members only music. Trippy said he think he gon start putting out some more music, as he should.

He recently took a couple songs down which I don't understand why they were doing good. But he also got some really good music that's not posted.

He has so much music on my laptop just sitting there...speaking of he needs his own shit. Let me leave my thoughts for I start getting mad reminiscing.

Oh yeah let me text jah

Conversation between: you and lildickgirl666💔

Don't say shit..he did that dumb shit

You: baby

Lildickgirl666💔: ima text you later, I'm playing the game

You: wait just one question

Lildickgirl666💔: yes

You: what's ya favorite color you like to see me in

Lildickgirl666💔: red, white or blue mainly red cause your skin tone sexc asf in red...don't get me started you gon make me hard

I laughed

You: k bby😂 love you

Lildickgirl666💔: love you too ma❤️

Conversation over

We pull up to the boutique hoping out

"I never heard jahseh music, it's really good"

Ariana commented

"Yeah I know"

I smile at her as we walked in

"Ok so red, white or blue"

I mumbled to my self

"Fuck he want me to look like an American flag"

I laugh at my joke

"What are you talking about"

Ashley asked

"Oh just tryna pick out the perfect sets for jah"

"What about yourself"

She said

"Nigga who gon be wearing em? Me..wit my sexy ass"

I stick my tongue out

"I mean he's gonna be happier either way with his freaky ass but still"

I respond looking around

"He lucky cause trippy get with the fuck he gets"

She says picking up a black set I already got two, I look over at ari and she looked uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

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