Trouble in paridise

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So here's an update of the end of 2015, in October ski dropped vol 2. I graduated November 29 and I want to start cosmetic school for nails but jahseh wants me to wait until he gets home since I want to go into the building to do school.

Physically learn, you know. But I got my business permit and been designing the architecture for the buildings.

I'm 9 months currently so I've been out of school for 4 going on 5 months. Jahseh is getting released soon, 2 days soon.

Long story short he didn't win the case and they gave him 9 months. We are just praying we are lucky enough this baby don't pop out of these 2 days.

So out of these 5 months, cleo and ariana kept me company. They already did the nursery and picked out clothes that I haven't seen yet because I want to find out the gender with jah but they know it.

Speaking of, when it was time to hear the heart beat I made sure he'd be able to call so we could hear it together. And I've sent him pictures of the ultrasounds.

I only got them in the beginning but soon as it was to the point where you could notice the gender I stopped. Other then that I've gotten baby gates and things like that.

Yes I know it's early but I've had nothing else to do. I've gotten bougie things like glass bottles and the bougie looking pacifiers. Peep got some expensive things for me too. He visit sometimes

I also talked to my mom, she's not very excited by the idea but I can tell she kept a lot of comments to herself. I didn't tell her jah was in jail though.

Oh and Ashley reached out to me telling me she was sorry and that she's happy for me. I of course excepted her apology but we don't really talk like that.

Geneva reached out as well saying I'm an attention whore that's why I got pregnant. I just liked the message and kept it pushing.

Anyway, ski's been help as well. Me and him bond over food now and he loves to tell the baby bad stories about him and jah saying those were the good times.

Anyway see y'all later bye


Jahseh was released a couple hours ago, he washed up and I cooked for him. We were just all over each other but he left out the room going somewhere.

I'm tryna figure out why, considering we haven't seen each other physically in 9 months. I got out of bed making my way down the hall as I heard his screams. They were happy screams and I heard cleos laugh.

They were in the nursery, which I hadn't seen because I didn't want to know the gender until jah came back. I walked in seeing them gathered around the crib.

The room was baby blue and gold, it had a royal theme to it and lions everywhere.

"It's a boy!"

He said jumping up excited, Ariana pulled me to the crib showing me what they were looking at.

It was a scrap book that read the name me and jah picked out if it was a boy. She opened it revealing the pregnancy test I took when I first found out I was pregnant.

My first ultrasound, pictures of my belly at every faze. I pout

"Thanks guys"

I hug them then slapped jah in the back of his head


"We were supposed to find out together next time I'm finding out without you"

I say rolling my eyes at him

"My bad bae"

He said rubbing the back of his head

The nursery and scrapbook:

The nursery and scrapbook:

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August 9

Let me fill you in, jah did his first interview...I had my beautiful baby boy who is 3 months. I did go to cosmetic school, started may 1 and finish august 1.

Jahseh have just been keeping it low, staying in the house with kyro. My mom came to visit for a month and fell in love with him. Ski's been a good uncle and actually decided all by himself he wasn't gonna smoke in the house him and jahseh decided that.

Jah loves to sing to him and ski still loves to tell him bad stories *eye roll* cleo and Ariana moved back out but they come here all the time just to see him same with trippy.

Trippy always wanted kids so he's obsessed with ky, he buys him new shoes once a week it's crazy.

Anyway jahseh went to the store bout an hour ago and still haven't called or anything. My phone interrupted me making me quickly answer since ky is next to me sleep.


I spoke walking into the hall


Tank sighed

"Jahseh just got locked up again"

"What? For what now?!"

"Ion know yet but I promise he won't be gone for long"

"You said that last time, what even happened for the cops to take him"

"Nothing, we were in the gas station and they came up to us saying they had a warnt for his arrest and then I realized that it was the same two cops that was observing the crib"

"So what you tryna say?"

"I think they just fucking with him at this point, they got a plan. And it's to keep jah behind bars for as long as they can"

"Fuck outta here! They can't do that"

"They can do anything they want"

"I can't take care of kyro alone and I can't let them keep jahseh for any longer he just got out and when he was in there he was losing his mind"

"I know"

"Are they giving him a bail at least something, I can't have him in there stuck lord knows what he'll do"

"I'm on my way to the station right now, I'll hit you up about everything"

"Can I just meet you there"

"No, jah still don't want you in this we still got targets. We paid the snitch's off but the gang we got like 3 more targets to hit"

"What do you mean hit?"


I got silent

"Listen I got this under control, you'll be a free woman soon"

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