Last day part::2

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It's 9am, I just got out the shower and stuff since I'm just now awake. Jahseh slowly walked in looking into my soul. I frown walking over to my slides

"You ready to talk?"

He spoke standing next to me

"Jah what are you talking about"

I chuckled

"I'm not jah"

He said a lil angry, my face went straight and then I turn facing him

"Leave me alone"

I respond

"I miss you"

He said, I squint my eyes at him

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of made you do that"

"So why did you!"

"Stop yelling at me."

He spoke softly

"I didn't know you would react like that"

"Can you go somewhere, my son probably wants his dad"

"I am his dad and he loves me"

"How would you know"

"I spend time with him when jahseh lets me out"

I'm gonna kill him

"You can't keep me away from my son all because your mad at me"

"You made me kill someone!"

"I said sorry! Fuck else you want me to do?! Bring him back to life!"

"You know what, I can't"

I say about to walk away but he grabbed a chunk of my hair yanking it turning me back around. Wrong time but a moan almost escape out of reflex.

Our faces was like 2 inches away from each other

"This gon be my last time repeating this to you ok"

He said sternly make me nod

"I'm not jahseh, don't fucking turn away from me when I'm talking to you. Do you understand?"


I answer making him let me go

"Now, I fucked up. I'm sorry, you even forgive me or forgive me cause you honestly don't have a choice. Ain't like I'm going anywhere"

I look away from him, he gripped my chin bringing my lips to his. He kissed me softly which caught me by surprise since he's always aggressive.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I respond and then he left out, I sigh plopping on the bed.


I walk down the hall hearing my baby sweet laughter. I go into his room seeing x throwing him into the sky.

"Ou Bro let's play catch"

Ski said making me frown, he opened his arms and x threw my baby to him.

"Oh my god!"

I screamed snatched kyro away from ski

"Ou you in trouble"

Ski said

"Nah nigga you too"

I push him back from leaving

"What the hell is wrong with y'all?!"

"It's not that deep, he liked it"

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