The next night

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I hear a knock on the door making me go to open it revealing 2 white girls both with blond hair, 1 looks annoying though.

"Oh, maybe this is the wrong house"

The annoying one said..I'm sorry god she ain't even do nothing to me. God bless my soul. The other one rolled her eyes at her

"You must be Michelle, x's wife"

She spoke

"X don't got no wife"

The annoying one spoke again

"Who are y'all?"

I said annoyed at this point

"I'm Jocelyn, I don't know who this bi-girl is"


She corrected in an annoying tone

"Oh the models"

I remind myself

"Come in, but please don't be loud my son is asleep"

I say more to zOe, Jocelyn smiled walking in and Zoe rolled her eyes doing the same

"So what you his mom or sum"

She said in a bad Florida accent, I can't stand wannabes

"No, like Jocelyn said. His wife"

I smiled at her trying to not take her head off

"Baby, come on"

I hear jahseh whine wanting me back in bed

"That's y'all boss"

I say as he walked down the steps

"I thought y'all were coming tomorrow"


"THE- flight landed early"

Zoe interrupted Jocelyn saying the last part all sweet like she tryna flit with him. See I keep tell jahseh to put a shirt on, ima have to slap a bitch.

"Well come on, I'll take y'all to the guest rooms"

He said making me follow cause I don't trust this bitch. Jocelyn seemed tense though, I can sense her anxiety.

I rub her back making her jump a little but relaxed when she realized it was me.

"It's ok, relax"

I chuckled making her smile, we stop at one of the rooms.

"Jocelyn you can sleep in here"

Jahseh said

"If you need anything just come upstairs and ask"

I say, she smiled at me nodding, we walked out shut the door taking Zoe to her room. She couldn't keep her eyes off jah making me hold his hand the whole way.

We got her to her room

"Ight good night"

Jahseh told her as I stayed wrapped around his waist.

"That's it? What if I need you?"

She pouted making me roll my eyes

"You can come get us"

He said in a Duh tone

"Pick me up"

I say sliding onto to the floor, he chuckled putting me over his shoulder making me laugh

"Bye Zoe"

He said shutting the door


I said making him run all the way back to our room as I giggled. He put me in bed laying next to me

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