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(Jahseh dyed his hair grey and cut his eyebrows off after the day Jocelyn died. I didn't find a way to put that in the story so I'm just gonna tell y'all now. Picture jahseh with no eyebrows and grey hair in these next three chapters.)


I sigh as he continued to kiss all over me, we got off the plane 2 hours ago and landed in Iceland. We're in the glass house and it's so beautiful, but it's a down fall.

It's only one whole room, no walls for privacy and jahseh can't keep his dick in his pants..literally.

"Your sleeping son is 2 feet away from us"

"Let's go in the bathroom"

"That small ass space"

"Sex in the shower is the best sex"

"...what if he wakes up"

"We'll be quiet"

I rolled my eyes walking into the bathroom with him following. He turned on the shower as I got undressed taking my hair out the ponytail. He swooped me up dragging me into the shower.

He had on his annoying smirk making me laugh

"Your an idiot"

I laugh

"See you always choose the wrong time to talk shit"

He said gripping my chin making me giggle. He attached our lips going into a slow passionate kiss as the hot water hit his back.

He went down to my neck gripping on my thighs

"Jahseh hurry up"

I whine making him put his finger in my mouth softly nibbling on my neck. His finger slid down my throat as he lifted his head too look me in the eyes.

I frowned my eyebrows feeling him slowly slide in me. He slid his finger bringing his lips to mine as he grinned in me against the wall.

It wasn't to fast or to hard but I still felt every inch in me. I struggled to kiss back holding in my moans for dear life.


I whispered putting my head on his neck as my nails dug in his back. He gripped my waist going harder and faster.

"Shit, jahseh slow down, slow down"

I moaned lowly throwing my head back, his hand slid up my back wrapping it around tightly.

"Cover your mouth"

He spoke gripping my ass, I covered my mouth with both hands and he began pounding into me.

I screamed into my hand as tears formed in my eyes. I grabbed onto his grey dreads with one of my hands arching my back.

I clenched around him feeling my high, he went harder making the room fill with claps and my muffled moans. He slid in me one more time hitting my g spot making me scream out

"Oh my god!"

I scream grabbing into him


He said covering my mouth hitting it again, I squeak closing my eyes. He pulled me into a kiss hitting it once more but this time filling me up.

I moaned in his mouth making him mock me. He slid out of me causing me to sigh. He kissed my cheek getting out the shower as I held onto the wall.


"Hi baby"

I say walking out the bathroom, he giggled running over to me. I pick him up making him touch my wet hair. I just got out the shower

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