Ski is the main character (purr and is)

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I hear a bang on my door as I felts jahseh's nut in me.


I hear my aunt making jahseh quickly pull out running into the bathroom.


I yell back innocently putting on my under clothes


I open the door with a robe on


I asked acting confused as she peeked in my room

"Like girl I was tryna watch porn and masturbate in peace! what do you want?"

I ask with a fake attitude as she looked at me with a shocked expression, jahseh chuckled a bit but I don't think she heard.

"Your going to hell you evil child"

She mumbles walking away, eww she's such a Karen. I shut and lock my door as jahseh came out the bathroom laughing.

"It's not funny she always in my business"

I say as he picked me up carrying us to the bed, we laid down covering ourselves up. I grabbed the remote hitting the "continue watching" on Netflix.

We were watching 'mirror, mirror'...I don't know, we pick some random shit knowing we weren't going to actually watch it. Oh but whipdy-do, here comes ski through the window.

"Ha! y'all almost got caught fucking"

He said closing the window laying in the bed making jahseh pull me closer. Protective ass.

"How'd you know"

He asked

"I was on the phone with trippy while it happened, these walls thin as hell I heard everything"

Ski replied, I mean trippy room is only across the hall but for her to hear it..I had to be loud cause she sleeps upstairs.

"Poor trippy, imagine listening to your little sister get fuck by your best friend"

Ski shook his head making me softly kick him

"Shut up"

I say causing him chuckle, trippy walked in surprising me cause I locked it.

"I got a key to your door remember"

He said reading the expression on my face while locking my door back. He set in the bean bag chair at the end of my bed looking at the tv as well.


I woke up still next to jahseh making me smile, I check the time seeing it only 4 am. Ski left at like 12 to get some pussy and Ashley ended up coming in here to lay with trippy on the bean bag chair.

I got up going to the kitchen for some water. The lights on that's weird, my aunt never wakes up in the middle of the night.

As I walk in I see ski eating noddles while scrolling on his phone. I frown in confusion on how he got back in, I would of heard my window open I'm a light sleeper when it comes to noises.

"What the hell"

I said making him jump

"Damn don't scare my like that"

He said putting his hand over his chest

"How you get in"

I questioned

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