Going down

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I fix my belt walking out of the bathroom, me and members only got things to do.

I walked over to the bed seeing her peacefully asleep but if I don't wake her she'll be late for school and take it out on me.

"Lil guppie"

I spoke softly kissing her head, she whined turning away

"Wake up you got school"



I mock her

"wake your lil ass up"

She didn't respond

"Your late"

I say making her snap her head to me

"To what"

I smile at her reaction

"I mean you bout to be late for school, you gotta get ready"

I kiss her forehead, she slid out of bed. Literally. Cause she's a child, and started crawling into the bathroom giving me a good view

"Ya ass fat"

I say as she enter the bathroom making her giggle, I smile walking out going downstairs into the kitchen.

I was met with Craig's sister, I honestly don't know her name is that bad. Well..it's not like I talk to her anyway.

"G-good morning x"

She stutter as I walked to the fridge

"Why you stuttering for?"

I respond getting the milk out, she got quite and I just ignored it getting some fruity pebbles.

"Can you make me a bowl vro"

Ski said giving me two bowls and spoons, I nod pouring some in. I felt someone arms wrap around me and by the vanilla scent I knew it was red.

"You want some too"

I ask

"No, how am I going to do online school?"

She spoke

"Your laptop is sitting on my desk and the instructions is inside"

I felt her nod against my back about to walk away but I grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"What you gon eat?"

"Ima make me some breakfasts later after I figure this stuff out"

I nod letting her go, ski put the cereal and milk away as we spoke so I handed him his bowl and he walked away thanking me.



I call out making her run down the steps

"We leaving"

I say and she peck my lips giving ski and trippy a hug. She ran back upstairs in a rush to get back to school.

We walked into the garage putting on our ski masks pulling out in the get away car.

Michelle's pov


I hear cc's voice making me turn her way, I was in the living room currently. I just got finish with school


I say eating my chips

"So you and x are serious"

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