X part::1

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Jahseh and ski playing the game yelling at the screen whilst I sit on FaceTime with Ashley.

"I'm pregnant"

She said out of the blue making my eyes widen, I had in one air pod so no one heard.


"I told trippy and now we finally on good terms again"

She said happily

"Ash what about your dad, she's gonna kill you"

"Most he do is kick me out and I got trippy so I'm good"

"Are you ready"

She nodded smiling big

"Can you come over though I need your help with something"

"Come over now?"

I asked, I felt jah side eyeing me


"I mean, yeah-ok"

Jahseh hand gripped my thigh, I just ignored it. I'm not doing anything so why not.

"What you want though"

She laugh

"To help me pack for this weekend"

"Come on you should have this down pack"

I say making her roll her eyes, she knows how I get when I'm planning things. I want everything to be perfect.

"Ok I'm on my way cause-"

"No you not"

Jahseh cuts me off


I ask

"You heard me, you not going no where"

He said keeping his focus on the game, ski glance over at me with a 'oop' look. I roll my eyes making jahseh look at me with the 'I'll fuck you up look' how'd he even see them roll.

"Stop rolling ya eyes at me"

I just look back at my phone

"It's cool I'll call Ariana"

I nod and we hung up, I look at him crossing my arms making him quickly uncross them. Bruh, fuck this nigga got eyes on the side of his head.

I got up about to go in his room not wanting to be in his presence but he set me back on the couch.

"I'm going into your room"

"No you not"

I roll my eyes getting on my phone, he chuckled

"Matter of fact go to my room"

"Now I don't want to"


He said more stern, I quickly got up going into his room shutting the door. God the boy irks me sometimes. The door busted open as I laid down at the top of the bed.

He walked in shirtless with a mad expression plastered on his face. He slammed the door shut walking over to me, our eyes stayed in contact the whole time.

"Roll em"

He said climbing on the bed getting on top of me

"Roll em one more time"

I looked away feeling intimidated, I felt a hard tap on my cheek making me shoot my eyes to him.

"Roll em"

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