Its always something

945 26 2

4 months later

I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, kyro in his high chair and jahseh is somewhere in the house waiting for his parole officer to get here.

Which we don't understand what for. His parole officer didn't need to physically meet with him but he called randomly this morning, maybe this the last day jah has to be on house arrest for.

Anyway kyro in the back talking shit cause he don't like being in his high chair. So he yelling, spitting, mumbling in baby language.

"What you talking bout kyro"

I say turning away from the food, he began yelling some shit in baby language

"That's why you can't talk"

I interrupted him making him ball his fist up growling.

"DA DA!!!"

I screamed making me laugh because he really think he's 15.

"Yes prince"

Jahseh spoke walking in with a headache, ski gave him Hennessy last night. Kyro spoke in baby language to him

"You wanna get out"

Jah asked him making him reach his hands out, jah pulled him out with him still mumbling shit

"You take the Advil?"

I asked making him nod eating on of the sausage, ski walked in with jahseh parole officer next to him

"Ok mr. onfroy you have to take a drug test"


"For what?"

"In order to get off of house arrest"

"Can I postpone the test"

"No, if you don't take it you will be sent to jail"

"Y'all never said he couldn't drink"

Ski butted in

"It's logical not to"

The officer said in a Duh tone

"What happens if I fail"

"A month"

He answer making jah sigh

"It was New Years last night, y'all can't give me a break"

"Happy late New Years, how you wanna do this?"

He handed me kyro after giving him a kiss and then me one with tongue. Kyro stuck his finger in between our mouths making us look at him. He looked so confused as to why our tongues were touching making us laugh.

Jahseh parted with us taking the cup out of the officers hand I quickly put his food on a plate so he could have at least one more home cooked meal before he left.

"Well if he knows there's drugs in his system then it would be smarter for me to take him now but a drug test still takes about 24/48 hours to come back with correct answers"


Ski said confused

"I'll give y'all 48 hours even though it ain't needed, I'll give it to y'all. He's been away from his son for to long and I know it's been hard on y'all. I'm sorry I'm just doing my job"

Jah came back out with the cup

"I'll see you in 2 days"

The officer said walking out


"It's gon take 48 hours for results"

I told him

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