Gang shit part::3

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"Boy we shouldn't have to give you the money we make"

Taylor argued

"Bitch that's how it works when you work for someone add on you using our supply to make the got damn money"

I snapped back

"This ain't hustlers bitch"

Will adds on

"I want half on what y'all making, each. And if I gotta take y'all whores out I will. Do I make myself clear?"

I ask calmly holding my gun in my hand, if I gotta kill theses bitches I will and won't get caught they better stop testing my intelligence.

They all nodded looking at the gun with fear


Will spoke

'Yes''understood' they all stuttered, I put my gun away as someone walked in making me look back at it. (Look back at it, she ain't never do this before but she good at it)

She looked scared until she saw me making me wrap my arms around her as she buried her face in my chest.


Jahseh's car pulled up in front of me which confused me because he said he wasn't coming to school. The window rolled down showing the one and only ski.

I smile hopping in and we pull off

"Where's jah, he never told me why he wasn't coming to school today"

"I'm taking you too him right now we just had to handle somethings"

I nodded knowing it was about the gang stuff

"How was school"

"Boring, but it's a Tuesday so..basic"

He hummed pulling up to a house that looked abandoned

"This better not be that mansion"

I say making him laugh

"No it's a work place"

He said making me frown

"This is not a work place this is a trap house"

I say as we get out of the car


Was the last thing he said before we walked in, it looked disgusting. I really hope something doesn't pop out, why would ski bring me here?

Work place my ass. This is hell...we continue walking and we entered another door. When I see his familiar dreads the fear leaves my body.

His arms opened welcoming me into a warm hug

"Did you eat"

I shook my head no

"Go with ski to get something to eat real quick I have to finish something"

I nodded pulling out the hug going with ski as the girls gave me stink look I gave them one right back walking out making ski chuckle. Jah look at him confused obviously not seeing what I did.

"It's a Panda Express up the street"

He said as we walked out


I said excitedly running to the car


We got our food and we just parked outside of the house listening to Hannah Montana...aka ski's girlfriend. (I'm not looking up these lyrics I'm writing what I remember which is a lot cause I love Hannah)

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