Party plans

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(I accidentally published a story then I unpublished the whole thing so I'm sorry here's a new chapter though)

It's after school trippy dropped me off and went straight to whatever business he had. Probably with the gang situation.

I'm not gonna tell jah I know, I'll respect his wishes. We haven't really spoke today only through text.

The teachers told us that we couldn't be near each other out of respect to my aunt. But after she leaves then we can start sitting next to each other again.

It's actually been really hard for us not be near each other and the teachers notice saying that they don't understand the reasoning because we work well together.

Believe it or not me and jahseh actually have really good grade it's just jahseh behavior but it gets worse when I'm not with him so that also became a problem these pass 2 days.

Anyways besides all the drama let's see what I've accomplished today besides my school work. I set up his paintball thing.

Trippy helped pay for it, but only ski, Craig, tank, trunks, bass, me, trippy, and Ashley are coming. I originally was gonna help with the party but jahseh said he didn't want it if I wasn't coming.

And I couldn't tell him I was busy because he would ask with what and then I'll have to tell him about the party. Mama cleo said she can handle it though.

I picked one in Orlando which is far from here but it's closer to cleo. I got the 500 paintball deal which was only $45. Our thing starts at 2 I made sure to let everybody know.

I also told everybody except jah, that the party starts at 6 so be ready. The paint ball should take 1 in a half hour so we'd be done at 3:30 which gives them till 5 to be ready cause I want everybody there early.

We gon get there exactly at 6, I already picked his outfit out something I've started doing. Shopping for him...and dressing him.

"What are you doing?"

My aunt ask sitting down with her little salad

"Planning my friends birthday"

I respond, I talk to the bakery-

"What friend?"

Bitch! Oh my god

"My friend stacy"

Ima need to get a friend Stacy soon

"Oh, where is it gonna be"

"Her moms house"

"Is she gon be there?"

"Yeah her whole family is, that's why we going paint balling while her mom and them decorate"

"Oh that seems fun"

I nod, anyway before I was rudely interrupted..I talked to the bakery they made this cake that's gon be inside an ice box and jahseh gon use a blow torch to melt the ice.

It's gonna be fire proof glass overtop of the cake so nothing happens to it. All the decorations gon be red and it's gon look right since all cleo interior is white.

I made sure everyone brought gifts. Tanks and trunks paid for me and jahseh's hotel room. We told jahseh that we were all staying in one alone. Which jahseh was fine with But we need our privacy cause you know birthday sex.

They got us a sweet, trunks talking bout it's bout to get hot and heavy cause it's a mirror above our bed.

They're disgusting, we really going all out because not only is it his first birthday party since forever it's his 16th birthday.

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