Gang shit part::6

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I was walking downstairs to get some chips when everybody bussed through the door with a bleeding jahseh. My heart dropped to my ass following them to the couch.

"Go get a first aid"

Tank yelled at Ming making him run to get it, I looked at the bleeding womb on his arm, it wasn't deep enough for a gun shot but it seem like one caused it.

I slowly walked over to him putting his head in my lap. Tears fell from my eyes as I look down at his, he wipe one away

"Stop crying, I'm good"

He assured me as Ming ran back with the first aid kit. I watched tank as he fixed him up, holding onto his hand.

He hissed a little but other then that he acted as if it was no big deal..they all did. After he was fixed up they all dab each other up and the group left.

Well except ski, trippy, and cc. Jahseh grab my hand pulling me upstairs into our room. We walked in the bathroom and he let my hand go starting the shower.

"I already got in"

I informed him

"Just sit in here with me"

He said, I set on the sink as he walked over to me. I help him take off his shirt and he did the rest.

"Ima go get out your pajamas"

I say putting his clothes in the dirty bin, he nodded getting in the shower. I got out his clothes bringing them into the bathroom sitting them on the sink next to me.


He hum in response

"What happened? From the beginning"

He didn't respond

"When you left you said it was nothing and then you walk in the house bleeding out of ya arm"

I add on making him sigh

"An upcoming gang tried to take our territory we wasn't having it so it turned into a shoot out..that we won"

He said

"Did anybody die"

"Not that I know of but they just yelled out truths and dipped"


I respond hopping down, I go into the cabinet getting out his shaving things, lotion, deodorant etc.

I know jahseh in real life didn't wear deodorant but I refuse to have a musty boyfriend..real life or fake purr

"I'm going to get you something to drink"

"I'm not thirsty"

"It's for the antibiotics tanks told me to give you"

"Oh, ok"

He said and with that I left out. I walked downstairs seeing ski on the couch



He looked at me

"You ok"

"Of course"

He said genuinely, I nod going into the kitchen getting jahseh a water. I walk back to the living room

"I cooked, if your hungry"

I say to him making him immediately get up, I smile going back upstairs. I set his water on the counter as he put his boxers on.

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