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"Bro, my bitch just help me catch another body"

Kentrell told x as they blushed over murder


X asked

"Ever heard of taylorwhitetv"

My heart stop

"That pornstar bitch"

X said, did jahseh not fill him in

"Yeah, her, Geneva, and jade down"

My heart raced as x laughed. I grabbed his hand tighter out of reflex making him look at me.

"I'm hungry"

I make up an excuse to leave

"What you want baby"

He said moving my curls behind my ear

"Can we get McDonald's"

I ask and he nodded

"We'll be back vro"

He said to kentrell making him nod


He handed me my food parking in a random parking space

"You knew he kilt Geneva this whole time"

I finally spoke

"Yeah so what? You gon tell jah"

"He knows, it was on the news. And that Taylor girl was stalking jahseh so the cops were in our face about her. They thought she kilt Geneva and jade"

"Well damn"

Was all he said

"You can't tell jahseh, you know that right"

"I'm not holding secrets from him"

"If jahseh find out he'll want nba dead"

" I don't care. I can't keep secrets from him"

"Why not?!"

"Because he's my husband and that's not how it works"

"Ok, I'm also your husband and I'm telling you not to tell him"

"Your my husband, I tell you the truth and don't keep secrets but that doesn't mean I take orders from you"

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

He sucked his teeth

"Girl shut up"

I rolled my eye


I cut him off by yelling over his words making him looking at me in my eyes. I busted out laughing causing him to smile shaking his head

"Your childish vruh"


"Morning sweetheart"

Jahseh kissed my cheek making me tense, my heart raced thinking about last night. He noticed my body language slowly backing away from me and looking me up and down.

"What's wrong"

He said


I ignored him

"What happened? What's wrong?"

I didn't answer I just kept on cleaning, he snatches the supplies out my hand throwing them across the room making me jump from the sound.

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