Stop playing

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We were just sitting in front of my door talking about random shit but then I remembered I have homework to finish.

"Uhh I gotta go"

I say grabbing my phone


Jah said snatching my phone away

"I have math homework"

I say trying to get my phone but he moved it

"You lying?"

"Why would I lie? what would I lie for?"

"So you really gonna leave me to do some math homework"

"You wanna help?"

I questioned confused on why he cared

"Nah, a nigga dropping out"

"Yeah I know trippy is too, y'all fucking idiots"

"You a fucking idiot for not seeing school is another system"

Ski butted in

"Everything is a fucking system, you can't escape it. Even if your an entrepreneur your in the system of your own's no escape"

I say taking my phone back from jahseh

"Yeah but at least you can control the system by controlling your mind"

Jahseh respond

"Yeah if you stop letting your mind control you"

"That doesn't makes since"

Ski said

"Stokes..have you ever been sad?"


"Did you wanna be sad"

"No, who wants to be sad"

"Exactly, who tells you your sad"

"My brain...ooooh"

He realizes making me nod

"Learn how to take control of yourself before you control other people' is the biggest thing I taught myself"

I say about to leave out but jah grabbed my hand sending chills

"Can you teach me"

He asks softly as we looked into each other's eyes I felt myself loosing air...god what is this boy doing to me.

"Yeah me too"

Stokes said ruining the moment


I smile at them, I give ski a kiss on the cheek and I was about to give jahseh one but he attacked my lips. He laid a gentle, soft, slow peck on my lips leaving me in shock.


Ski said like a omg girl

"You should hurry and do that homework, we going to a party later"

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