Episode XXXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Worth The Wait

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Recommended Song(s): Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi

The ship jolted as it jumped into hyperspace and Endor disappeared from sight. Ben flipped the stability switches and put it into auto-drive. "Are you sure you should put it into Auto?" I asked.
"I'm sure." Ben replied.
"Ben, this is Exegol we're talking about, and this ship is older than the both of us." I disagreed. "If you put this thing on Auto we'll die before we even get through halfway the Red Honeycomb."
"I know what I'm doing."

I sighed leaning back in my seat.

"Eclypse?" I heard from the back of the ship and my eyes widened.
Ben doesn't know that Alanya's on the ship.
Ben looked at me suspiciously and asked: "Eclypse, who else is here?"
"Alanya... And 7A..." I said hesitantly.

He scowled at me, holding the bridge of his nose. "You know it's too dangerous for them to be on Exegol."
"I know that but they were already on my ship because if I left them on the Steadfast something would happen and they would both be killed!" I argued.
"Fine. But they stay here along with you."
"Now you know very well that I'm coming with you!"
Ben got up and went to the back and I came after him. Alanya jumped in surprise seeing the both of us.
Didn't I tell her to stay in the Gunners Position?
"Oh, hello!" She said, waving at us. "Umm, where are we going to now? Back to the Steadfast?"
I shook my head. "No, we can't go back there. It's too risky. Ben and I decided it would be best to go to Exegol, and assist the Resistance. Don't ask, it's a long story."
"Ben?" Alanya asked, with confusion. "Who's Ben?"
I opened my mouth to answer but Ben beat me to it. "That's me. My birth name isn't Kylo Ren, it's Ben Solo."
"Wait, wait, wait." Alanya held up her hand then pointed to me. "So, you're just like her?"
He nodded.
"Hmm, somehow I feel like I already knew..." She hummed.
"Is that so?" Ben smirked as he folded his arms. I chuckled moving over to crouch down in front of 7A. "Yes, I guess I did." Alanya said proudly.

"7A do you still have the diagram from the Wayfinder?" I asked my little droid. BB-7A beeped then one of her pockets opened with a chip small chip inside. I took it out saying "Thanks, 7A."
Standing up straight, I went over to a panel close to the cockpit and stuck the chip inside.
"What's the chip for?" Alanya asked.
"It'll help the ship not crash." I answered simply. "Because this Scoundrel here put it into Auto Drive."

"Now, who are you calling a Scoundrel?" Ben asked in disbelief.
"Obviously you." I shot back.
He came over to me with a wider smirk than before, examining me up and down.
"I like the sound of that." He whispered.
"Yeah, I'm sure you do." I replied, glancing quickly at Alanya, who purposely turned to look away. Ben sighed then backed away, understanding that now was definitely not the time.

The ship jumped out of hyperspace and began to tremble as the small windows were filled with the sight of red webs. "See this is exactly why you shouldn't put in Auto. It's not stable." Ben rolled his eyes then went back to the cockpit, probably to control the ship himself.

I sighed and went to a wardrobe nearby Alanya, opening it and removing my cloak.
She gasped slightly.
"Eclypse, are you?-"
But I put a finger in front of my lips and shook my head slowly, advising her to keep quiet so she nodded and let it go.
I went back to looking through the wardrobe as I then removed my gloves. "Here we go!" I exclaimed quietly when I found exactly what I was looking for. Looking in the mirror at the back of the wardrobe, I took the band and pulled all my hair into a tight ponytail so it would be out of my way. I hummed in disapproval noticing that all of my five scars were visible so I pulled a chunk of hair out of the ponytail and covered them up with it. It's actually the same way I would do my hair every morning in Jedi training years ago. And it was always messy too because we had thirty minutes to get up, shower, and get dressed before Breakfast and Training.
I still can't believe Luke made us get up before the sun, it didn't give me enough time to actually wake up even though it was worth it.

Arriving at Exegol, all the thousands of Star Destroyers came into view... Along with the tiny X-Wings trying to fight them off.
"Holy Sh*t." I whispered in shock as I stood from my seat.
The Resistance was losing already.

"Let me take over." I moved to sit directly next to Ben as well as push him off the pilot seat. "Everyone hold on!"
Instantly I pivoted the ship down as quickly as possible, making it so we would go under the Destroyers instead of above. I spotted another X-Wing on the ground in front of the entrance so I landed right next to it.
Ben immediately left the cockpit with me following behind him. He went searching around quickly in each trunk, possibly for a weapon.
"Ben, I'm coming with you." I pushed as he searched.

"For the last time, Eclypse," He started. "No. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I don't want anything to happen to you either." I replied. "I'm coming."
He ignored me, finally finding a blaster. He set it to kill and not stun.
Ben stood up then look me straight in the eyes. "No." He repeated then walked past me to the door which opened without command. He stepped out and began to walk to the entrance. I sighed and turned to Alanya. "Get in the cockpit. If I don't come back in the next five minutes then leave and help the Resistance without me."
Alanya nodded and ran to the front of the ship. I ran after Ben quickly as fast as possible tracking to catch up.

"Ben!" I called.

"Go back!" He shouted back.
When I caught up with him I blocked him from going any further. I have to tell him.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I hesitated but hugged him.
As tight as I could.

"Ben, I....." I started but like last time I tried to say it out loud, it didn't want to come out.

I have to say it out loud this time.
Please let me say it.
Just say it.
Just say it.

"I-I love you."

And to my surprise, Ben Solo hugged me back. I sensed his smile.
He was... happy.

"I know... I love you too."

I giggled softly as tears of joy fell down my cheeks. Ben pulled out of the hug and he search my eyes, for what I don't know. Then suddenly the most loving kiss was placed on my lips.
One I didn't feel I deserved. But all that mattered in that moment is that I finally said it. We both said it.
It was worth the wait.

Reluctantly, I pulled away. There are still things that need to be done.
"Go help Rey." I told him. Leaving from Ben's hold hurt me deeply, knowing that I might not see him again but I had to.

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