Episode XXXXV (Rise Of Skywalker)Think Again

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Recommended Song(s): Isabella's Lullaby (Mandolin Version) by Takahiro Obata

After exiting the interrogation room, Kylo walked up to me, eagerness written all over him. I could tell what he wanted but sadly I didn't have it.
"He wouldn't say anything to me." I told him. "Why don't you try?"
He gave a slow nod then entered. I leaned against the wall, folding my arms. There's something wrong with him...
He's so distracted, yet somehow he his it so well. But what I don't understand is why he seems so troubled. He told me that the Wookie, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Rey, and many others meant nothing to him. If that was true then why does he feel this way? It hurts me. Because he won't let me help him.
And I want to help like he helped me because I should repay that.
But I can't.

Kylo had me interrogate Chewbacca first, and I knew it was because he was scared. I have noticed with people that when they ask you to do something before them it's because it's personal and might hurt them emotionally or physically so to make sure that it's safe they'll send you in and then follow after. And anyway, the second time's the charm, is it not?
The door opened abruptly and Kylo walked out but didn't stop to tell me anything, just continued to go to wherever.

I followed after him. "Ren, what happened?" I asked, trying to keep up.
"She's going to Kijimi." He answered simply but I knew there was something else.
"Kylo, you think I'm stupid but I know there's more."
Kylo turned around to face me.
"There's nothing else." He hissed.
I scoffed and grabbed his arm, pulling him quickly up a flight of stairs then down a hallway holding many doors. I opened the door to my old Quarters then slamming the door behind us, I spat: "Tell me. Now."

"What I said is the truth."
"The truth doesn't require teeth to be pulled."
He huffed loudly and turned around. As if he couldn't find the courage to face me even with the helmet on. "I found out the information we needed. That is all."
"If that is all then you wouldn't turn your back on me-"

Turning back around, Kylo got close to me and yelled directly in my face. "I saw his memories, Damnit!!! I saw every single moment he's spent with Han Solo and my mother and me! I saw him laughing with Han Solo, his best friends getting married, the little innocent newborn he carried, the nine year old boy he taught to fly the Millennium Falcon. I saw all of it. But he doesn't care about me. None of them do. If he did then he wouldn't have shot me after I...
The point is that he doesn't care.
Han didn't care.
My Mother didn't care.
Skywalker didn't care.
Tai didn't care.
And you don't care.
No one does...
Snoke showed me that."

I didn't know what to say to that, and I hate myself for it. It wasn't what I was expecting and it should've been.
"So, you're not going to say anything?" He taunted. "After begging for me to tell you, and you finally get what you want, you say nothing..."

As soon as he ignited his lightsaber I closed my eyes tightly, afraid that he might hurt me. But instead, everything else got destroyed. Everything.
I had to do something.
"Kylo, stop it." I ordered, my voice firm but threatening to crack. He still continued.

My hand shot out in front of me, completely freezing him in place with the Force then flicked my hand twice, the first one turned off the lightsaber and knocked it out of his clasp, the second turned him to me.
Slowly, I raised my hands to both sides of his helmet, and lifted it up from his head. Though my eyes were already glossy, I could see that tears were streaming fast down Kylo's cheeks, his eyes clenched shut in an attempt to stop them. In a quick action, I just embraced him, squeezing him tight and letting the helmet drop to the floor with a loud thud. His whole body was shaking. He melted quickly into the hug, letting his head rest on my shoulder as he sobbed. I brought him down so we could both sit on my bed but he couldn't hold himself up for long and dropped his head to my lap, gripping onto me tightly as if when he would let go I would vanish. I tensed up slightly by the action, and it almost caused me to panic but I didn't dare push him away.

"I know... It's okay..." I murmured as I cried silently. "It will all be okay. It's... it's only a matter of time..."
It felt like I was soothing a child who just had a temper tantrum but I didn't mind. I didn't mind, not one bit. Because I've been in that circumstance more times than I can count, where you feel so lost in who you are, what you've become, and all the people you've lost... it feels like you can never escape.

"It doesn't matter what anyone says, but if you think no one cares... Think again. Because I care for you more than you could ever know..."

I began humming that song I hear Kylo hum infrequently over his sobs.
It means a lot to him. I can't believe that I even memorized it too. I finally recalled where I knew it from not too long ago, it's from when we were kids and once I heard him hum it while doing calligraphy. It's a very beautiful lullaby.

His soft breath on my legs brought relief to me, and I smiled a little while I continued humming. It's amazing how people can be in complete anger or sadness, and when something good happens to them, they become happy again. Sometimes I feel like that too, but my dad is always there for me, no matter what. And I don't think Kylo has that opportunity to have that. So he has me.

My thoughts continued on and on as I hummed and Kylo's breath grew deep.
Soon he was damn near asleep in my lap. I hissed through my teeth softly, slightly annoyed, this was my space he was invading for more prolonged than intended. But I decided to pull a blanket over him and gently move so he could lay down.
As I got up though, he stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. "Stay with me." he said, half asleep. I sighed as I pulled back the blanket on my bed and laid next to him, just running my hand through his hair. Kylo seems so peaceful when he's sleeping, yet chaotic when awake, it's hard to understand since I don't get much sleep.

"Dear, sweet child, no need to cry." I started to sing softly, really it was more like a whisper. "I will hold you tight. So sleep all your worries and cares away. No need to be scared, you are out of harm's way. I will keep you safe and warm..."
I paused remembering what came next. Should I?
It's too risky...
"I'll love you everyday." I continued, stroking his cheek.
Why did I say it?
"Reach your tiny hands for the light, take your future and make it shine, so bright...."
I hope Kylo didn't hear me through his sleep...

But a part of me hopes he did.

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