Episode XXX (Rise of Skywalker)Convince Me

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90 days/two months and twenty-eight days
A/N {Ok we're getting right into it. Obviously, Eclypse has forgiven our Emo Boy, Kylo Ren, so they're back at it(I was just too lazy to actually write the part where he does apologize) I just wanted to say that in case y'all get confused😉 and I'm sure you all have noticed that this fanfic has many Star Wars Fanfiction Clichés but I don't care(and neither does Kyttie), also I couldn't figure out a song for this chapter either}

"Why do you want to form an Alliance with Naboo?" I asked Kylo, amused. "Wasn't my empire joining the First Order enough?"
"I can not speak for Snoke or his intentions but I do know that you joining us was a satisfactory decision. And Naboo is how we're going to get them and others on our side, Miss Nova. If I, or, we help them in anything they need then they'll support us as well." He smirked, placing a short kiss on my lips. "And do you think you'll win the approving vote from the people as well?" I inquired as I fiddled with his hair a little.

"I don't know yet, but since we're going to Naboo, where there is a lot of people, there's bound to be someone who likes us." he replied calmly. I grinned and backed out his embrace. "I'll go notify Hux and Saxe, anything else you are needing me to do?" I added. Usually holding nothing but emptiness, Kylo's eyes filled with mischief and lust and he caressed my cheek, glancing at me up and down.

"Perhaps there is.... Something you can do....."

A/N {Why is this giving me Loki vibes??????}

"No." I said gravely. "Well at least not now. Maybe later, but not now." Smirking, I took his hand from my cheek and he let it drop to his side but just for fun, I pecked his cheek quickly then left his Quarters.


With 7A by my side, I walked into the Command Deck swiftly and with purpose. Alanya was chattering with one of the Officers when she spotted me and immediately came to my side. "Good Afternoon, Master Nova!" She said.
"Good Afternoon, my Apprentice, " I grinned slightly. "Would you happen to know where Hux and Saxe are? I have an important message for them both."

"Oh, they're just over there, arguing again." Alanya answered gloomily as she pointed over to the far corner of the deck. "Thankfully this time they're keeping quiet about it."
I sighed and made my way over to the two Generals.
"Okay, if you two could stop quarreling for two minutes, that would be terrific. I have a message from The Supreme Leader." I said quickly, making them stop and glare at me for interrupting their argument session. "I already know you both are aware that Ren wants Naboo to be our Allies, but he sent me to tell you that the three of us are going as well to Naboo so you know to pack."

I internally groaned when I saw Alanya's eyes light up. "We're going to Naboo?" She asked excitedly.
"No." I corrected. "Hux, Saxe, The Supreme Leader and I are going. You're staying here and you aren't going to bother any of the officers."

"But I-"

"You are not coming, Alanya. Don't speak of it further."
She huffed and folded her arms close to her chest in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at her childish actions.
"Now, as I was saying.... We are leaving in two days and we're only staying for the same amount, so be prepared by then." I said, turning back to Hux and Saxe.
They both nodded in approval. "I haven't been to Naboo in a while and Armitage needs to loosen up a little so he won't be such a b*tch, so I'm looking forward to it." Saxe grinned as Hux's face turned red and he scoffed. "I could say the same about you."
"Well, I must get going, I have other things to tend to. And Alanya I'll see you in ten minutes for training."

As I walked away, I could just hear them jabbering at the end of the hall I was walking down. I chuckled a little in annoyance, but it seemed a little awkward.

They are always like that with each other, no matter what.
I thought to myself.

Silence continued to fill the air around me as I walked, even my footsteps seemed to lose their sound as well. It was almost like I was gliding, but why? I felt like I was being pulled somewhere or to something, but to what exactly? 7A bleeped, snapping me out of my thoughts. It seemed normal again.
Why did I feel like that?
I wondered, as I turned the corner.
Arriving at the training room, I laid my hand on the handle and calmed myself down with a deep breath. I just don't want to go off on Alanya.

"Master, there you are!" She said as soon as I opened the door. I chuckled.

"I did say, 'I'll see you in ten minutes'!" I replied. "Now get out your stunt saber, let's start with forms."
Alanya jumped up from the bench and unbuckled the black hilt from her belt and ignited it, revealing the red stunt blade. It won't do any major damage like an actual Lightsaber but it does hurt like hell when it hits you.

"Okay, now demonstrate each lightsaber form, explain them to the best of your abilities." I said as I sat down in front of her. "You can start with Form I."

She moved quickly to a simple stance. "Form I, also known as Shii-Cho and there's nothing much to it." She started. "It's very straightforward and most beginners use it. Master, can I ask you a question?"

"Perfect, now form II, and yes you may." I responded.

"Form II, Makashi. It's very simple but graceful and was developed by the Jedi when they started to fight the Sith. Master Nova, why can't I go to Naboo with you?" Alanya asked as she moved to the next form.

"Because I said "No.". Form III." I sighed.
She really isn't going to let this go, isn't she?

"Form III, Soresu, its main use is to deflect against Blasters and Battle Droids. But I'm your Apprentice! I should be able to come with you!" Alanya argued.

I have never met such a determined child before.
I thought.
She kind of reminds me of myself when I was her age...

"It's not that you're not allowed to, it's that I don't want you to. What we're going there for is very important and a child has no place in it, Apprentice or not. Show me Form IV." I brushed off, leaning my back on the wall.

Alanya groaned in frustration and shifted into Ataru, one of my favorite stances. "Form IV, Ataru. This one is aggressive, acrobatic, and very swift. I'm not just some youngling, Master Nova, I"m Fifteen years old!"

"Age has no say in this." I snapped. "I didn't even go with my Master on important missions and I was older! It's just that this one specifically you can not go with me on, and you know nothing of politics so why even come?"
"But how am I going to learn about politics if you never teach me?!" She stated. I opened my mouth to speak but she has a point. She will never learn if I don't teach her. I took a minute to think. Should I bring her? I would have to ask Kylo first and make the arrangements for her to come. I do remember that one of the main things I had to understand was how a government works because I would end up being a terrible ruler if I knew nothing.

"... Okay, fine. You win!" I blurted out eventually. "You can come with me! But I have to discuss it with The Supreme Leader first so I can't make any promises!"

Alanya grinned and jumped up in excitement, her twin braids bouncing up and down. "Yes!" She said in victory. "I knew I could convince you! I won't let you down, Master Nova!"

I sighed in defeat. She's really good at defending her opinion. That'll come in handy someday.
"And you can't get in my way of anything." I added. "If I tell you to do something, then you do it. And Just because you convinced me this time does not mean you get to come with me every time I have an assignment. This is a watch and learn situation."
The short girl continued to have her own little triumph celebration. "Now, pull yourself together and show me the next Form." I chuckled.
"Oh, yes, of course Master..." Alanya took her stunt saber and moved it and her feet to the next Standpoint.

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