Episode XVII (Last Jedi)Thank you

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Recommended Song(s): Prom Queen by Mxmtoon

A/N {ok so just imagine that Rey didn't have her second lesson with Luke yet, and the Ben Swolo ForceTime or The hand touch didn't happen yet}

"Ah, Empress, I became worried." General Saxe said as I entered the command deck.
"I am a grown woman, Saxe. I can take care of myself." I reminded her.
Saxe's eyes widened. I guess she's still not used to me being in a bad mood after knowing each other for six years.

"What was it you wanted to discuss, General?" I asked dully.
"Well, " She started. "Umm, we are currently following the course of The First Order, who are following and still tracking The Resistance."
"A good move, Saxe, well done." I nodded. 
"But, " She continued, sighing. "I-I think we should form an alliance with The First Order."

"Saxe, are you out of your f*cking mind?!" I asked raising my voice. The other Generals, Captains, and Officers turned their heads to look at us but I ignored them. "They are the ones we are mainly against and you want them to become our ally?!"

"I'm sorry but, you saw what happened to our army when they were in that battle yesterday! We don't stand a chance against them. Our only option is to join them."

I really don't want to do this.
I don't want to be their ally.

I don't want to be his ally.

I sighed. "No. There's no way in Hell I'm joining them."
"Maybe you should start thinking about what's best for your Empire, then your personal affairs." Saxe spat, taking a step towards me.
I inhaled deeply. Did she know something? Even if she did, it doesn't really matter now.
I glared at her before I swiftly turned to exit the Command Deck.


As I nodded to each of the soldiers as I passed by them I thought deeply about what Saxe said.
Who does she think she is?! To tell me how I rule my Empire?! I told Ren that I was setting my priorities straight. Becoming The First Order's ally is not what I had in mind.

'Hello, my little Stargazer...'
'Hi, Daddy.'
'I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you lately, I just felt like you need some space...'
'I actually did... Thank you daddy. I, uh, I need to ask you something...'
'Yes, Love?'
'Why did you- Why did you tell me I wasn't Force Sensitive?'
'Umm, well, I wanted to protect you... from who you were... I was afraid of what you would become. I guess my parenting failed, because, you've become exactly what I feared.'
'And what is that?'
'A person who only cares about themselves and no one else.'

I walked faster as the tears threatened to spill.
Why did that get to me? The most simplest of things.
I opened a door to a the nearest closet and shut it violently behind me, finally letting the tears fall.
The thing is... He was right... I only care for myself...

All I've ever wanted was to make Daddy proud. Turns out.

I've failed.

But, I haven't failed my Grandfather.
He was the one that trained me to be who I am today. He was that told me not to care for anyone but myself. He was the one who was there for me and told me not to care when I had breakdowns from what I did to my daddy. He was the one who brought me in when I was homeless. He was the one only one who took the time to work with my problems.
He went against his beliefs to care for me, and from that I learned that caring for someone... kills you.

But no matter what he did... no matter what anyone did, I still felt empty.

I need something to take my mind off of this.
I thought as tears started to soak my clothing.

Then this feeling of... warmth came to me. It gave me comfort. Like someone was hugging me. Turns out someone was hugging me.
Whoever this person was squeezed me tight in their arms. They were so warm...
And the sent on them... I've smelled it before.
Leather and Embers...
I won't open my eyes to see who it was, I just let myself cry on their shoulder.

Whoever you are,
Whoever is hugging me...

Thank you.
I thought.

Then a voice...... Clear as ever rang through the air.

"You're welcome, Eclypse."

The person hugging me disappeared before I could say anything more.

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