Episode XV (Last Jedi)Fires

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Recommended Song(s): Fire Drill by Melanie Martinez

"Admiral is everything prepared?" I asked about two hours later. We are now on the main ship called the Revolution. I had occupied my time before this by fixing a chip in 7A. She's gotten old over the years but she's still like a little sister to me.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty." Adika replied. "We have thirty minutes until we jump into light speed." The Admiral grinned at me, the way her short red hair fell complimented her cheeks as she did.

I nodded. "Thank you, Adika."
I walked swiftly down the hall back to my quarters on the ship, mentally preparing myself for the battle we were going to be in, ANYTHING could happen. I stepped into the room and sat down on the bed, thinking.

'Hello, Eclypse.'

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around, making sure it wasn't that damn bastard Kylo, but I soon realized who it was.
"Oh, Hello Daddy." I said out loud instead of in my mind like usual, letting out the breath I was holding.

'It is a big day, isn't it?'

"Yeah, it's the day I get to prove to that I'm not a 'girl afraid of her own shadow'," I said with a little sass in my voice, but not too much for my daddy.

'Well, I wish you good luck, I love you.'

I could hear the love in his voice even if I could only hear him in my head.
"Thanks, I... I lov-"
We were suddenly interrupted by the intercom.
"General Kaitlin Saxe speaking, the ship is jumping into lightspeed in 5 minutes."
I got up and ran to the main control where General Saxe was waiting.


"Ah, Empress, are you ready to take off?" Saxe asked turning around to face me. She probably heard me running into the room.
"Yes, General." I replied.
She nodded.
"Branson, start the engines, Alaire, alert the pilots to be prepared to fight-" I heard her say to the others on the command deck as I turned to look out the window. I gazed down at the snow-covered planet, Neeve. I remember when I was little and joyfully playing in the snow with my family in front of the Palace. It was something that I looked forward to every day. Then Daddy took me away from where I really belonged and made me forget everything. Even so, when I forgot who I really was it always felt like a piece of me was missing.

Something is always missing from me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when we jumped to lightspeed.  "Empress Nova, your fighter is prepped for battle." Spoke Lieutenant Alaire after coming back from the aerodrome to alerting the fighter pilots. I didn't really think about me fighting, but... I want a fair fight.
Nonetheless, I thanked Alaire and set off from the command deck. On the way there I heard a faint beeping. It came closer until BB-7A was at my side.
I looked down at her.

"No 7A. You can't come...
Why? Because, I don't want you getting hurt...
BB-7A. No. You can not, and will NEVER come on a mission with me.

I paced down the hallway even faster, leaving 7A behind me.
I have no idea how many times I have told 7A no(1,257 times). She just... doesn't get it! I don't want her to get hurt.

I arrived at the aerodrome about five minutes later, the pilots scrambling to get into their spacecrafts. "R6-26, you're with me." I called over to a black with gold trim droid. He beeped happily and followed me over to my ship. After R6 was raised into my fighter, I climbed in, put my hearing piece into my ear, and buckled myself in.

"Empress, what a pleasure to have you fight with us!" A male voice came through my earpiece who I recognized as Capitan Durdda. I scoffed. "It will be an even better pleasure when we defeat The Resistance and First Order." I remarked. "Now, Commander Kylo Ren and Commander Poe Dameron will surely be out in the action, so let me deal with them. You squadrons take care of the rest."

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