Episode VII (Force Awakens)Dejavu

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Recommended Song(s): Copycat or Bad Guy By Billie Eilish

As soon as the ship landed, the windows of it filled with darkness from the night, I stood up, making sure my mask was secure and pulled my hood over my head. The woman standing next to me, General Kaitlin Saxe with her white collared shirt and black blazer pressed perfectly, checked her wristwatch then scoffed softly. The sleeve to her blazer is embroidered with the Obscurist Empire Emblem which is three moons, Black, White, and Red, overlapping each other and a complex red snowflake in the middle. All of the Soldiers and Officers in the ship had that symbol somewhere on their uniforms or armor to show what side of the war they belonged to.
The side of The Empress of The Obscurist Empire.
The side of The Silver Sith.

My side.

"My Lady, are you certain that you want to go alone?" General Saxe turned to me and asked for the millionth time, concern in her gray-blue eyes. I sighed. "Yes, General." I said through my mask (which made my voice sound a little deeper and more intimating). The ship landed on Jakku and I exited quickly once the door opened but a white with purple trim droid, BB-7A, followed behind me. The droid was the only one of the black, white, and red, uniformity that stood out for she was my own droid. One of my best friends. "No, 7A. You may not come... Because it's dangerous... No I'm fine..... I will be back in one hour that's all." The little BB unit sighed and went back into the ship, and I set off into the night and sand of Jakku.

'Please don't go alone.'

Came his voice, caring and clear.

'I'll be fine! I am not a child anymore.
I replied in my head.'
'Okay, I trust you.'


After a while of travel, I finally arrived at the small village in the sand and... Damn... the First Order made it here first.
First Order Troopers were opposite to my own Soldiers, their armor was white like snow and glossy and did not have the First Order Emblem (a simple black spiked circle within a Hexagon), unlike the ebony, matte of my Soldiers, which held our symbol on the left side of the breastplate.
The Troopers were everywhere as they held their blasters close and gathered the people of the burning village.
I crouched behind a dune of sand yet looked closer to see my main enemy of The First Order; The Master of the Knights of Ren, Commander Kylo Ren, and he was speaking to the exact individual I came for.

"Look how old you've become." Kylo Ren said to the old man, his synthetic voice ringing through the air. Many First Order Troopers were around him to ensure safety for him yet I knew that they wouldn't be much of help if there was any trouble, which there will be.
"Something far worse has happened to you." The old man, Lor San Tekka, replied.
"You know what I've come for." Ren snapped.
"I know where you come from." San Tekka said. "Before you called yourself  'Kylo Ren'."

"The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it." Ren remarked as he took a step closer. "And now you're going to give it to the First Order."
Like Hell he is.
This is Lor San Tekka. He would never give away the map willingly. I personally know he wouldn't.

"The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not."

"I'll show you The Dark Side." Hissed Ren.

"You may try. But you can not deny the truth that is your family."

"You're so right." Ren said in a joyful voice. But as expected, he ignited his red crackling lightsaber and swung it at San Tekka, killing him. Suddenly, I sensed that someone was about to shoot a blaster at him and when a brown-haired man in a Resistance jacket came out and did just that as I ran out into the open and stopped the beam in mid-air with the force. Ren looked at the man and gave a signal with his hand so the Troopers came and got the man.
"Empress Nova!" Ren exclaimed, now turning his head to me. "What a pleasure for you to join us!" He bowed.
"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." I bowed back, even though on the inside of my mask I scoffed. The First Order Troopers brought the man that shot the blaster to Ren and hit him so he would kneel before him. Ren crouched down to his level.

"So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" The man asked.

I slowly walked towards them and as I did I read the man's mind with The Force.

"Lor San Tekka gave the map to you." I cut in. The First Order Troopers pointed their blasters to me but Ren held up his hand to give a sign that it was fine. The man looked at me and said: "It's just very hard to understand you both with all the....." He waved his hand in front of his face, obviously saying he couldn't understand us with our masks/helmets. "Apparatus."

"Search him." Ren commanded and stood up.
The Troopers searched the man(not thoroughly) and one of them said:
"Nothing, sir."

"Put him on board." Said Ren dismissively.
The Troopers put the man onboard their ship.
"Sir, the villagers?" Captain Phasma stepped up and asked, her silver armor standing out from the rest. (And yes, I know the names of the important officials in the First Order). "Kill them all." Ren ordered. After all of the villagers were executed, Ren turned to me. "Now, you didn't think I would come here just to see a little show?" I asked after lowering my hood then igniting my doublesaber revealing the two silver blades and spinning it around myself to land in a defensive stance (and also letting go my force hold on the bolt from the blaster which resulted in something getting blown up). Though silver, the blades hummed darkly with each slight movement.

"No, Nova." Ren remarked. "I do believe over the years I have learned that you happen to be a woman of class. I, on the other hand, will be the one to put an end to you."

Ren ignited his red saber and sprinted towards me twirling his lightsaber in the process and I did the same. His saber clashed harshly with my own but I (being trained better) pushed harder so he would stumble, though there's something about his combat style that has always been familiar to me...
Everything about him is familiar.
"No matter what you know I will get what I want!" I exclaimed as I spun my double saber blocking his hits.
"You know something." Ren said as he struggled to hold back my saber. I did know something. I read more of the man's mind then I intended to. "What if I do? It's more than you ever will be able to handle!" I remarked getting annoyed. Ren has always been an obstacle in my plans. Not this time.

He was obviously irritated by my remark and he pushed harder down on my saber, making me lose control and fall and I felt something harsh clash with my mask and It broke. I looked up at Ren, being able to see him clearly with my right eye since the right side of my mask broke. Both of my light green eyes were wide with shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

I could have sworn I heard a gasp from him. A loud one. One of shock. But I knew my mind was just messing with me... Or did he really gasp?
And as he kneeled over me something about him and about this situation gave me a Dejavu. I just don't know what. "Oh, would you look at that." He said tilting his head like a confused puppy, the light from the fire also making a glare on his vizor. "Under all of the evil, lurks a little girl, probably afraid of her own shadow." His gloved hand caressed my fleckled cheek, then the small scar on the side of my eye; surprisingly it sent a chill down my spine. But I jerked my head away.

"You don't know anything about me." I hissed.

"I know more than you think, Empress Nova."

"Ren, we must leave." Captain Phasma commanded. He got up and left in his ship leaving me there.


I banged on the door of my ship and it opened as soon as I did. "The map is in a droid. A BB unit." I said as I entered. General Saxe straightened up quickly, dustling off her uniform and swiftly tucking a strand of her short brown hair behind her ear. "Then what shall we do, My Lady?" She asked.
"Send a squadron after it. That BB unit is on this planet somewhere and WE ARE GOING TO FIND IT BEFORE THE FIRST ORDER DOES!" I commanded.

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