Episode XXXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Come Back to me...

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Recommended Song(s): How To Save A Life by The Fray

I jumped into the Gunners Position, buckling myself in quickly and lifting the microphone and intercom on my head. "Alright, Alanya, take this thing into to the air." I spoke into my intercom. The ship jolted then pulled up and flew.
"Okay, don't pull that lever again. That's for Lightspeed which thankfully it didn't jump."
"Sorry!" She replied.
The ship kept flying up to level of the other X-Wings and I started shooting immeiditly at the TIEs.
"Who's in that ship?" A voice came through on my com.
"This is Eclypse York, former Supreme Commander Nova of the First Order!" I announced. "My friend and I are here to help!"
"Good, we could use a little help!"
"Oh, it's my... pleasure!" I said sarcastically, finally taking down a TIE fighter. There's a lot more to go.
Everything was so tense, and we were losing terribly. So many TIEs followed us as we tried to hit the cannons under the Destroyers, but to be honest I don't think it did any damages, there were just too many of them.
And I was getting more and more worried about Ben and Rey.
Unexpectedly, strikes of Lightning shocked everyone's ships! Everything turned off and was failing.
I could hear multiple muffled voices in the com, our ship started going down.
"Eclypse, what's happening?!" Alanya yelled from the cockpit. It hurt to hear the fear in her voice.
"I don't know! I think it's Palpatine!" I yelled back.
And the fact that it was only Resistance ships, not the Final Order.
But then the lightning stopped and everything was back online again!
"Oh, thank the Stars!" I exclaimed. I heard exclamations from the other fighters as well! And from observing everything else, the Command ship went down too!

"Poe, the Command Ship!" A pilot shouted.

"Their fleet is stuck here! They're toast, come on!"

Grinning proudly, I shot down as many cannons as I could with the help of Alanya and so many went down! It was truly a sight to see...
And I think my Father would be proud of me.

Suddenly, my gut and heart started to hurt, the pain was almost unbearable.
What's happening?
Somehow the force felt empty... Someone was lost. And there was a plea for help. Shortly after I unexpectedly felt this... this pain in me.
A pain I have only felt once.
The loss... of someone you love.

"Ben." I whispered.

Something's wrong.

"Alanya, land the ship." I ordered.
"But Eclypse-"
"Do it!"

The ship went down and swerved around the falling Star Destroyers, avoiding them at all costs. As soon as the ship landed on the ground, I quickly ran up from my seat and out of the ship into the open. I continued through the entrance and when I reached the lift, it was gone.
I guess there's only one option.
As carefully as possible, I climbed down the large chains, placing my hands and feet on every perfect spot. Thankfully, I got to the bottom without a scratch on me. All that was left were the turns.
The many turns to the cathedral-ish room. Each one made it seem longer to get there.
An internal sigh was realised as I arrived. But at the far end Rey came into view... and Ben on the floor.
Ben wasn't getting up. He didn't seem to be breathing either.

"No." I whispered, picking up my pace.
"No. No. No. No. No. Please no."
I couldn't even hold myself up, running was a struggle and exhausting, but I have to get to Ben.
I have to.
I stopped right behind Rey, who was sitting over him. She sensed me and turned around.
"Eclypse," Rey looked up at me with eyes full of tears and sorrow. "He saved me but..."

"Oh, Rey." I said crouching down to hug her as tears fell down my own cheeks. "I should have come. I-I could have helped.
This all my fault."

I opened my eyes and looked over Rey's shoulder at Ben.
He looked so peaceful....
But he's gone...
I pulled out of the hug and scooted a little to be at his side. Grabbing his hand, I felt the warmth from it leave slowly. He's always so warm. His face started to go pale....

Ben, you're okay. Breathe. Just breathe. Open those beautiful deep brown eyes. Come back. It's okay. It's over now. You're okay. Wake up. Please, please wake up. Don't do this to me. You can't do this to me. To us. I need- we need you. We love you. I love you. I love you so so so much. Come back......

Then I felt it. A soft throbbing on Ben's wrist. My eyes widened in shock.

He's still alive.

"Rey." I said hastily. "Rey, h-he's not dead!" Rey came to my side swiftly, her hazel eyes wide as well. "Here see! He has a pulse! He's still alive!"
She put her hand on his other wrist and she smiled.
"We have to heal him."
Rey looked at me and nodded, holding out her hand to me. I hesitated then took it tightly.
Just think of life....
I told myself.
When you feel the force you feel balance.

"I am one with The Force and The Force is with me." Rey and I recited together, both of us holding onto Ben.
"I am one with The Force and The Force is with me."

Come back to me... Please.
I love you too much to let go.

"I am one with The Force and The Force is with me.
I am one with The Force and The Force is with me.
I am one with The Force and The Force is with me."
I felt a tingle flow through me, going and coming from Rey and our connection.
Then suddenly, clearly, Ben's pulse quickened. He came back.
I opened my eyes and he was trying to sit up. "Ben!" Rey and I exclaimed at once, hugging him tight. Ben chuckled joining the embrace.
"You're alive..." I whispered.
"We thought you were dead..." Rey added.

"Looks like I'm not going anywhere thanks to you two..."

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