Episode XII (Force Awakens)Reasons

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Recommended Song(s): Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott

My head rolled as I stirred awake. Where am I? It felt as though I were standing up. I opened my eyes and groaned. I didn't have on my mask and I was strapped.... To a chair? It was a chair with no seat and stood you up. I tried to struggle out of the restraints binding my wrist then I tried releasing myself with the force but I couldn't use it. Why can't I use the force?

"Don't waste your time." I heard. "I've put a force hold on you so you can't get out." I raised my head to see... Ren.

"You sneaky, rotten, son of a-" I started but was cut off.
"Ah ah. You don't want to be saying anything that'll be foolish." Ren said raising his index finger.
"I'll say what I please." I hissed.
"That's right! You are entitled to do and say what you please. For you are the Empress." He said.
"Stop acting like you know me!" I yelled.
"But I do know you." Ren said calmly.

"No, you don't! No one knows me! No one knows who I am and what I have done to get my power!" I shouted losing my temper.

He sighed and reached to take off his mask. When he took it off he took a step towards me. My eyes were wide. My heart was pounding. I forgot about everything.

Kylo Ren... The man who has been my enemy for years...

Is Ben Solo.

The boy who made my life hell.

"Ben." I whispered. "It can't be."

Ben chuckled. He got older. More mature. Last time I saw him he was Eighteen years old, still just a boy.... He unlocked the restaaints on my wrist and ankles but I still couldn't move from his hold. "I've told you before, I do know you." He said. "You see, Eclypse, when stars collide they are bound to collide again. Some things never change. And you are still just a little girl afraid of her own shadow."

Now I remember.
The first day we met.
That's the first thing he said to me.

He walked closer to me and touched the scar on the side of my right eye. "This scar... It was meant to teach you a lesson... A lesson you never learned." I suddenly found enough strength to fight his force hold and I jerked his hand from my scar but it resulted in Ben striking me across the cheek. A very harsh strike.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled pushing him with the force making him stumble while holding my other hand out to pull my lightsaber to me. My lightsaber came to assist me and I ignited it, pointing my saber towards Ben.
"You don't get to touch me. When I was eight, you pushed me up against the wall and pinned my hands up. When I was ten, you tripped my foot while I was running so I would fall into the lake. When I was fourteen, you punched me so hard that I couldn't come to training for a week. And then when I was seventeen. You..... You gave me this DAMNED SCAR!!!!"

"I was testing you." Said Ben.
"What?" I demanded.

What do you mean?
I thought.

Since I already knew you had such a powerful heritage...... I wanted to test you.
He replied reading my thoughts.

"You see, my heritage..... is like yours. For I am the grandson of Darth Vader." Ben spoke out.

I raised my eyebrows.
"THE Darth Vader?" I asked amused.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. Luke Skywalker is the son a Darth Vader, correct?"

"Yes...." I answered slowly.

"Luke had a twin sister. Princess Leia Organa. My mother."

"I am aware but still why would you 'test' me?" I asked.

"I wanted to know how powerful you were." Ben answered. "To be the granddaughter of a Sith and a Gray Jedi and to be as force-sensitive as you... is questionable. I wanted to know for myself."

"I want to kill you." I hissed.

"I know."

I hesitated, breath caught at the back of my throat.
I lowered my saber and retracted it. Why though? Ben circled around me.

"But what's stopping you?" He whispered in my ear.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Head." I ordered.

He was reading my mind. I tried as hard as I could to keep my mind closed so he wouldn't find out what I learned from the girl.

"You killed your father?" He asked as read more and more. "Wise choice. And you still have that stupid Droid. What was her name again?"
"BB-7A." I answered very sassily.

He continued to read my mind. I felt like I was being torn apart, like every part of me was exposed to him and only him, and in reality it was. There was so much I couldn't hide because of how weak the pain of this invasive feeling made me, and I wanted to fight back but... I couldn't.

"You're hiding something." Said Ben. "I can feel it."

"But you....." I grunted, started reading his mind in return. "You're afraid. That you will never be as strong and powerful as Darth Vader! He was more powerful than you will ever be!"

Ben then......(obviously I struck a nerve.) force choked me. I had never been force choked before. But he moved closer and held my neck with his own hands. My vision started to go blurry as I screamed for air.
"Don't talk to me like that." He said, his eyes glistened with emptiness and anger as my lungs burned with pain. "You may be the Empress, but I am the one in control here."

"Let.....me....go!" I breathed trying to kick him and claw at his gloved hands around my throat but his hold was too strong.
My heartbeat started slowing down.
Small ragged gasps were escaping my throat.
I could barely even see Ben anymore, everything started to go dark.
The only thing I could identify was the outline of the man in front of me and his fingers around my neck...

He just held me in the choke, unable to decide whether he should let me go or not, but, thankfully he let me go and I fell to the floor. Coughing, I clingged to the floor for dear life.
He let me go...

"You see! Even Darth Vader wasn't as merciful as you!" I spat trying to catch my breath.

"I am not merciful." Ben said crouching down to my level and lifting my chin to look up at him. "I just simply want to keep you alive... for... My own reasons."

He got up and put back on his helmet. Once he was ready, he opened the door to the cell and stepped out.
"Put her back into the restraints." He said to one of the troopers. "Make sure that she doesn't escape."

"Yes, Commander, Sir." the trooper said.

When Stars Collide {Kylo Ren X OC}Where stories live. Discover now