Episode XVIII (Last Jedi)Decisions

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Recommended Song(s): The Room Where It Happens by The Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton

"Actually we all agree with General Saxe on this." Said Admiral Adika the next day. "She discussed it with Salamandra, myself, Branson, Alaire and Durdda before telling you."
My fists clenched. Right now I just wanna tell Saxe to F*ck off and let me rule how I want to but I can't do that. She's the best General we've ever had and I'm not about to let her go. She's also my best friend...

"Fine. Tell Saxe that I'm considering it." I told Adika. She nodded and left the meeting room leaving me by myself.
I groaned and held the bridge of my nose.
"Why are you so irritated?" I heard. I wonder why he sounded so professional today. Probably just to piss me off.
"F*ck you. That's why." I spat. "But I'm pretty sure that you came here to discuss something of more value than to bicker." I added as I stood up.
"You are absolutely correct." Kylo confirmed, straightening up and putting his hands behind his back.

Quickly I glanced at his lips, remembering how it felt to have them on my own, so soft and warm yet wanting... needing more, however, I pushed that thought away. Yet I wondered if he thought the same about me...
"Get on with it then. And make it worth my time."

"Of course, Empress." Kylo bowed.
"The Resistance is getting stronger, and The First Order is in need of supply, such as ships and weapons. Supreme Leader Snoke and I have had a serious discussion on this matter, and we have agreed that if we have another ally, a powerful ally, then we will be able to eliminate the enemy-"

"And how do I fit into this?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I'm getting to that." He snapped.

"What I'm implying is... Join our forces."

Kylo walked up to me and held out his hand. I took a step back.

"Imagine. If you and your men came and joined forces with The First Order, then we'll be unstoppable. Your empire won't be in the shadows anymore. We both want the same things."

I hesitated. I was disgusted by the offer. But I knew that's what everyone wanted. And deep down... I really did want to take his hand.

I raised my hand to take his but---

"Join me... Please."

I brought my hand down to my side.
"I will schedule a virtual meeting at 1600 hours so we can discuss this matter more intently. " I said. "Tell Supreme Leader Snoke that I will not wait for him even a minute after that hour."

Kylo smirked and the force cut us off.

Rey's POV

"Lesson Two." Master Skywalker said. "Now that they are extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris."

"That's not true." I said coming over to Master Skywalker.

"At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader." He continued.

"And it was a Jedi who saved him." I argued. "Yes, the most hated man in the galaxy. But, you saw there was conflict inside of him. You believed that he wasn't gone. That he could be turned."

"And I became a legend." Master Skywalker added.

"For many years there was balance and then I saw Ben and Eclypse. Ben, my nephew with that mighty Skywalker blood. And in my hubris, I thought I could train him, I could pass on my strengths. Han was.... Han about it, but... Leia trusted me with her son. I took him. And a dozen students and began a training temple. A year later a man by the name of Takud York, came to my temple for help. He said that his daughter, Eclypse, was strong with Dark Side of the Force and he didn't know what to do. He told me his heritage. His was father was a Sith and he used to train with him and later he left the Sith life, took his daughter with him and wiped her memory so she wouldn't remember her Dark Heritage. But of course that didn't help because he came to me asking if I could take her in because we both agreed that being in a place of light would kill the dark. He brought her here and I got to experience that darkness for myself. She showed that she was indeed force sensitive and I took it upon myself to train her. Eclypse's training went well but, she would have these........ spells or black outs during training. She would still be paying attention but it was as if the dark side was telling her to do something else. Ben actually knew her strength in the Dark Side of the force and would bully her just to see her power because he was curios. By the time I realized I was no match for the darkness in the both of them, it was too late."

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