Episode XXXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Sweet Dreams

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Recommended Song(s): Only You by Yaz

Ben and I exited the ship onto the Resistance base hand in hand. There were so many people; crying with joy, embracing loved ones, laughing and patting friends on the back. Alanya passed us immediately and ran off to probably find her brother since she did say that she heard his voice in the battle.
Ben looked around and his eyes lit up when he spotted Rey in the large crowd.
"Do you mind if I-" He started.

"Not at all....." I smiled.

Ben smiled in return and gave me a quick peck on the cheek then ran to go see Rey.

Seeing Ben run off at that moment, I realized that all of the worry, doubt, and sadness I had was for nothing! I always thought that he loved Rey and not me, even if I wasn't ready to say those three precious words yet I was still afraid of that. Well, they indeed love each other but their love is more of a sibling love...
In the crowd, I saw them hug but then face me and Rey moved in my direction.
Eventually, I felt her arms wrap around me. I hugged back.
"Thank you for believing in us Rey, thank you for believing in me....." I said. "I'm so, so, so sorry for everything I've done to you....."

"Oh, not a problem...." Rey chuckled, pulling out of the hug and laying a hand on my cheek.
"When you see someone who doesn't believe in themselves, sometimes you have to do it for them so they can realize their worth... I forgive you, Eclypse."
We both smiled.

"Umm, pardon me... I believe I deserve time with my Dyad too." I heard.
Rey and I looked at Ben and we both laughed then hugged him too.
I pulled out and noticed a certain Alanya Reed sitting on a rock next to Poe Dameron and a strawberry blonde haired man.
"Oh, if you two will excuse me, I need to take care of a couple of things." I said quickly and ran off.

When Alanya saw that I was coming her way, she smiled brightly and waved me over.
"Eclypse, I would like you to meet my brother, Verrill Reed." She gestured to the Strawberry blond man who looked exactly like her. I held out my hand though he was hesitant. "Ver, you can trust her. I trust her." Alanya whispered to him. Verrill sighed then shook my hand firmly.

"It's nice to meet you." He said, just barely cracking a smile.
"Likewise." I replied, grinning.
"Eclypse really taught me a lot over the past year. Like to not judge someone by their cover." Alanya said then winked at me. I chuckled.
"Thank you..." Verrill started, then cleared his throat. "for taking care of my little sister. When I heard what happened on Kijimi, I... I was worried, I'm glad she was with you. She seems happier now."
"You're welcome." I bowed my head to him.

"Reed, you should probably go check in with Connix, see how everything's holding up." Dameron said to Verril. He nodded and let go of my hand then left for the command. "It was nice meeting you." He said, looking over his shoulder at me.

When he was out of sight, Dameron held out his hand so I shook it.
"You're a wonderful Pilot, General Dameron, I'll give you that, I would like to apologize... for everything."
"Thank you, Supreme Commander...." He replied then let go. "And you, Alanya, are an amazing pilot yourself! You two alone must have taken out at least six Star Destroyers out there."
"Thank you, General! But I'm sure that you got way more than that." Alanya replied.
She grinned and laughed as Poe ruffled her hair.

I laughed as well. "Maybe you should join the Resistance, I know that there are still people like me out there in the Galaxy and you could really help..." Alanya's face lit up at the suggestion. "Wait, are you serious?" She asked looking from me to Poe.
"We could use another pilot." Poe shrugged. "You'd be a wonderful Resistance member."
"Can I really?!" Alanya asked me.
"I'm not your master anymore. This is your choice, Alanya."

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