Episode XXIII (Last Jedi)The Last Jedi

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Recommended Song(s): I Got No Time by The Living Tombstone

Eclypse's POV

My eyes slowly started to flutter open.

What happened?

I don't remember anything except for that I passed out.
Pain was spread across my body and face.
The walls were white and I lay in a bed with white sheets. More neatly made beds were next to mine.
The Medical Wing.

Wait, why can't I open my right eye? I brought my hand up to my face to investigate. From what I felt a patch covered my right eye and odd long bumps going across it. I hissed sharply. Those long bumps hurt when I touched them.

Footsteps came and a woman in scrubs, holding a clipboard came over to me.
"Well, look who's awake. How are you feeling, my dear?" She asked, sitting on a bench that was next to my bed.
"Uh... In pain." I answered as I clenched my eyes or... eye shut.
"I'm going to do some memory checks, if you are ok with that. It is mandatory though."
I hesitated but nodded.
"Alright, what year is it?"
"34, After The Battle Of Yavin." I said without hesitation.
"Where are you?"
"The Medical Wing on the First Order Finalizer."
"Your date of birth?"
"May 4th, 6 After The Battle Of Yavin."
"And your name for me?"
"Ecly-.... Nova. Darth Nova. That's my name."
The nurse nodded and wrote all of this stuff down on her clipboard. "You are up to date, except for you are on the Steadfast, not the Finalizer. I would give you to a ticket to leave but the Supreme Leader forbids-"

More footsteps came, heavy ones, and Kylo came through the door. He seemed stressed but he hid it well.
The nurse immediately stood and bowed her head to him.
"Leave us." Kylo's words were simple and clear so she obeyed by leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"How are you?" He asked, turning to me and walking to the edge of my bed, his voice now softer, maybe even kinder.
"As I told her, I'm in pain." I replied. "What are these things on my face?" I reached up to touch them again but Kylo quickly caught my wrist before I could.
"Don't mess with your wounds. It will only make them worse."

Kylo then paused. He's holding something from me.

"The guard you were battling purposefully cut you four times. He wanted to give you more scars, and he was successful."
Kylo sat in the chair next to my bed, still holding my wrist.

"What happened besides that?" I asked after my hesitation.

"You passed out and I brought you here to the Steadfast. It's second to the Fianlizer, which has been destroyed... You've been unconscious for three days. And I've been crowned Supreme Leader." Kylo answered. My eyes softened as I studied his features. I could be mistaken but he looked... concerned for me. Like I mattered to him. He also looked exaughsted as hell...

"Did you wait in the lobby for me to wake up this entire time?" I inquired. Kylo paused again. He let go of my hand before getting up and putting on his coat. "Where are you going?" I asked as I sat up and doing that caused a shot of pain through me but I ignored it.
"To the Resistance base on Crait. I am the Supreme Leader now so I'm going be the one to put an end to them." He acknowledged. I got out of bed quickly despite the pain standing up was causing me. I noticed that at the end of my bed folded clothes lay and a pair of boots.

"What are you doing, Eclypse? If you think you're coming with me then you are mistaken. You lost a lot of blood." Kylo crossed his arms as I pulled on the clothes quickly. I'm really going to have to get used to him calling me that.

"I'm not just going to sit here while you go and defeat the Resistance. I've been waiting for a chance to crush them for ten years. Ten years, Kylo! If you or I ever get a victory from this day forward, then we have to share it. Because it would a damn sham if we didn't." I dictated. He came up to me and grabbed my arm just as I bent down to fix my shoes.
"Nova, don't.... Please. I need you to stay here." He pleaded.
"I'm going, Kylo. Nothing will change my mind."
I zipped up my boots and went to the door.

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