Episode XXXV (Rise Of Skywalker) Delicate Snowflake

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Recommended Song(s): Feel Better by Penelope Scott

223 days/seven months and six days

Eclypse's POV

This morning I got up a drowsily in a cold bed. The night before wasn't much fun. I was really tired but there's no way I would resort to sleep. The nightmares still won't go away. When Kylo is there with me they aren't as bad but he hasn't been over in a while.
He actually hasn't been doing much with me lately besides work but I don't care.
Or do I?
I don't know I'm really confused with my feelings lately.
He just... stopped coming over and rarely talks to me now... But when I do get to have some kind of word with him regarding work he's always tense...
I wonder why.

I stretched then went to get ready for the day but skipping a shower because I have absolutely no motivation to take one. I'm fine either way. My left foot made a clunking sound as I walked towards the washroom anyways to fix up my hair which I knew was full of tangles. I tried brushing it but my hair has been known to be stubborn just like me so I gave up about five minutes in. At least it looked decent and not a complete mess. "I guess brushing it out is not happening..." I mumbled putting the brush down on the counter. I stared at myself in the large mirror saying nothing. The four scars going across the right side of my face made it look like an animal of some sorts scratched me even though that's not how it happened. I wasn't paying attention and it got me hurt. Now I have to see my failure every time I look in the mirror.
I don't even know who I'm looking at in the mirror anymore. Because the reflection is someone I don't know.
Sighing deeply, I left the washroom and went back over to my bed sitting on the edge. I glanced quickly at the long black lightsaber hilt sitting on the nightstand then over to the datapad which I normally only use for work when I need it. I picked it up and signed in. I scoffed as I ignored and deleted some of the unimportant things and went to the section where I can send messages.

'General S, I will be taking the day off.
I will return to all of my duties tomorrow, Miss Reed will be fine training on her own. Let both her and the Supreme Leader know.
Sincerely, Commander N.'

As soon as the message was sent, I plopped myself onto the bed and let myself sink into the soft mattress. I was still very exhausted.
For a few hours I just relaxed around my chambers, losing all track of time. At first, I had thought about maybe leaving the Steadfast just for the hell of it but I remembered what Kylo said...

"You are not to leave the Steadfast without my permission. Do it again and you will be punished. Severely."

He obviously doesn't want to be bothered with me at the moment so I didn't want to ask. And anyways I was still tired so why did I even consider it?
I was halfway through drinking a glass of milk when I heard a knock on the door.
"Speak of the Devil." I said to myself.
I sat down the glass and went over and opened the door.

Low and behold, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren was the one at my door, hands behind his back and no emotions visible.
"Hello there, Supreme Leader, Sir." I said politely. "What brings you to my quarters?"
"I'd like to know why have you taken the day to yourself, Commander." He asked in a low tone.

That's none of your f*cking business.

"Oh, my own reasons. I have been very exhausted lately." I answered. Ren paused for a moment then said;  "Come with me. You may stay in my chambers for the rest of the day."
He held out a gloved hand for me to take and I guess you could say I was lost for words.

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