Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets

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Recommended Song(s): There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Figured it Out Yet by Panic! At The Disco (this isn't really a song for the chapter but it makes me think of Alanya a lot)

158 days/five months and three days
A/N {Ok Just wanna let you know that this chapter is just a repeat of the last one except from Alanya's POV just in case you get confused!}

Alanya's POV

I woke up in my quarters, and blinked. The dream I had last night was pretty weird, and I didn't understand it. It was about how Kylo Ren and Darth Nova were on this strange cold planet, and my master seemed different like she had a heavy burden, a secret. They were exiting a ship, and Nova was begging the Supreme Leader not to go alone, that is was dangerous and she wanted to help, except she was calling him by a different name. It was something that started with the letter Besh. The rest was a blur that I couldn't remember. Stretching, I got up and got into my usual: buisness casual, perfect for training. Then I left immeadietly to the training room. I hummed as I waited for Master Nova but after about thirty minutes she never came... I wonder why. There was a knock on the door to which I yelled "Come in!" and the sliding electric door opened, General Saxe walked into the room with a small smile on her face. "Good morning, Miss Reed, you are going to be training with me today, since Commander Nova was working late last night." she said. I was confused but shrugged, and replied: "Okay, what are we going to do today?"
"Well," Saxe Started then folded her arms. "I was thinking we could work with your connections with the Force and that I would quiz you. I know you have accomplished Psychometry, which not many can do at your level, let alone age. But the simple things are important as well."
I nodded in agreement. "Wait, Saxe, you're Force-Sensitive?" I asked.
"First of all, it's General Saxe or General. And second, no. I am not. But I do know how the force works from working with Nova and from my own life expiriences. Now, shall we get started?" General Saxe answered. "We shall, General." I fixed my stance to a better position and held my chin high. General Saxe then walked closer to me. "I am going to ask you a few simple questions about different things, alright? They won't be too difficult. Question one, do you know The Rule of Two?"

"Yes." I answered. "Some Sith follow The Rule of Two, some don't. It is when there are only two Sith at a time. A Master and an Apprentice. One to embody power, the other to crave after it. Master Nova and I follow the rule of two after many before us."

"Very good!" She praised. "Who was the first Sith and the first Jedi Grand Master?"

I searched my mind for a moment.

I know Master Nova has taught me this before not too long ago...
Wasn't it last week in training she told me? Think Alanya.....
Oh now I remember!

"The first Sith was Ajunta Pall and Biel Ductavis was the earliest recorded Grand Master of the Jedi." I said finally.

"I'm surprised you actually put in there that Biel Ductavis was the earliest recorded and not the first." Said the General. "Most don't know that so they don't know to say it. Now, the definition of Form VII, Vaapad, and who was it created by?"

"It was made up of a variation of the Form Juyo which is also Form VII." I answered almost instantly. "Unlike the other Forms, Vaapad actually uses emotions instead of pushing them away and it was created by a Jedi Master, Mace Windu."
I could tell that General Saxe was surprised by how much I knew. What can I say? The Silver Sith happens to be a good teacher.
"This one might be hard so bare with me. What do you need to do to actually become a Sith when you have finished all your training?"

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