Episode XXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Always

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Recommended Song(s): Honesty by Pink Sweat$

332 days/Ten months and twenty two days

Thoughts and doubts.

That's all that surrounded me.
No. Not surrounded...

Overwhelmed me.

I can't believe I said it. It may have only been in my head but I still said it. And the fact that he said he cared. Not loved.
There is a fine line between those emotions. And at that moment it was blurred to me. But I'm glad I forgave him, it cleared the tension between us and what I've carried with me for all these years. I just hate myself for feeling this way.

"Master? Are you alright?" A sweet voice pulled me out of my mind.

"Uh, y-yes, I'm fine, Alanya." I said shaking my head. "Did you finish writing?"
My young apprentice nodded then handed out the parchment she was writing on. I took it into my gloved hands then read over what I had asked her to write in Sith.

'A Sith must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. She must be wicked enough to excite aversion, strong enough to arouse fear, and human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. She must not depend on others, only the darkness that flows within herself.'

Her writing is sloppy and careless.
I thought, shaking my head and holding out the parchment for her to take.
"Do it again." I said simply.
"Wait, what?" Alanya asked in disbelief.

"Do it again." I repeated. "You're handwriting was messy. Redo it below the first one."

She sighed and took back the paper. She then picked up the pen and started writing again paying close attention to how she held it and made strokes. I admire her determination and try to nurture it as much as I can, otherwise, her confidence will be low. And low confidence in yourself won't get you anywhere. I personally learned that the hard way.

It's amazing how similar Alanya is to how I was as a youngling and padawan, sometimes it's to the point where I think she might be of my own blood. My own diluted, dirty blood. For all, I know Alanya is the only one in her family history who is sensitive to the Force. And trust me I have done the research! Or maybe I just haven't searched in the right places...

Alanya dropped her pen and pushed the parchment in my direction on the small black table. "Here, I think I did better."

I swerved it to face me then grinned proudly immediately seeing that the symbols look way cleaner than before.
"Excellent! It looks perfect, Alanya. Now, come with me, I have something important I need to teach you." I stood from the chair dusting off my uniform. Alanya stood as well and started towards the door. "Ah, Ah." I tutted, making her stop in place. "You'll be needing this." With a wave of my hand, the parchment flew over to her and she caught it before it hit anything.

I could tell she was confused but she shrugged it off then flicked her wrist, making the door open with ease. I sniggered under my breath.
Alanya has loved doing that ever since she figured out how.

I followed after quickly and walked beside her.
"Where to?" She asked pushing her two braids off her shoulders.

"Patience you must have, my young Padawan..." I replied calmly.
"Master Yoda, isn't it?" A grin spread across her creamy cheeks.
"Mhm, you listen and remember well, young one." I nodded.

The rest of the walk was silent as well as the elevator ride down to the lower level, which left me to roam my thoughts again.

'Are you okay, Little Stargazer?'

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