Episode XXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Never Enough

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Recommended Song(s): Racing Into The Night by YOASOBI (Listen to the Original Japanese Version, DO NOT listen to the English cover unless it's the one by Splendiferachie)

328 days/Ten months and eighteen days

"If only my mistakes could be fixed and forgotten..."

I stared down at the white crystal laying in my hand as I sat on the floor next to the large window in Kylo's quarters. It is fascinating yet it shows my faults. If I hadn't looked into my Father's eyes then maybe the Dark Side would be stronger with me. In the middle, there was a small red tint but it never reached the ends which progressively turned white and clear. I turned it over thrice in my hand, feeling the cut edges of the crystal and letting the light from the stars outside reflect off it. I then tore my eyes off the crystal to the stars that twinkled brightly. I could just faintly see Sagittarius and Capricorn in the distant ones. From this part of the Galaxy, you can't see the constellations very well but I make due. My attention shifted to one star in particular. It was small but bright and not one that I've ever seen before.

"Well, you're new..." I mumbled, leaning my head against the large window. The star only flickered in response, showing off its beauty. "If you are a new star then I guess you don't have a name yet do you? What about Étoile?" It felt as if the Star agreed with the name and accepted it. I grinned slightly.

"Star...." I heard above me. Looking up, I raised my eyebrows ever so slightly. "What?" I asked Kylo who was also staring out the glass.
"Étoile means Star." He sighed.
"How do you know Franmeka? It's not spoken in any system you've been in." I said as that unique feeling returned to my heart, making it beat faster.
"I know very little words. And I also know that it's native planet is Pillio." Kylo came and sat in front of me next to the window as well. I chuckled softly, closing my hand around my Kyber Crystal. "I'd never think that you would know my first language."

"My Mother spoke it beautifully and she wanted me to learn it when I was young. But... Solo said no. He didn't want me speaking something he could never understand. She still taught me in secret. I've forgotten most of it over time."
I tilted my head in slight confusion. "If he couldn't understand you then why not learn it himself?" I inquired.

"He was stubborn." He answered running a quick hand through his dark hair. "Like me. And he was insensitive to a lot of things. He wouldn't let me learn Franmeka. He wouldn't teach me how to fly a ship. It took a lot of convincing to even let me go to the academy."
"And that's why you hate him. Because he didn't understand. I'm guessing he's wasn't Force Sensitive....."
Kylo nodded glancing at me quickly. I could distinctly feel that he was uncomfortable so I changed the subject. "Si vous avez oublié, vous ne devriez pas être en mesure de comprendre cela, n'est-ce pas? (If you forgot you shouldn't be able to figure this out, right)?" I smirked seeing his facial expressions change from nothing to confusion then to deep processing and finally understanding. "Essayez plus fort(Try harder), Little Fox." He said blankly.

What would be a very hard one?
I wondered.

"Fais-moi, Imbécile(Make me, Idiot). Maintenant, récite le Code de Jedi pour moi?(Now, recite the Jedi Code for me?)" I invited slyly while I tightened my grip on the crystal. "I'll try... Hopefully I haven't forgotten it even if Skywalker drilled it into us as Padawans." Shrugging, Kylo shifted to sit more comfortably on the floor. He cleared his throat and started:
"Il n'y a pas d'émotion, il y a la Paix.
Il n'y a pas d'Ignorance, il y a la Connaissance.
Il n'y a pas de passion, il y a Sérénité.
Il n'y a pas de chaos, il y a l'harmonie.... Et... (There is no Emotion, there is Peace. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no Passion, there is Serenity.
There is no Chaos, there is Harmony... And...) and now I can't remember the rest." He huffed a laugh.

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