Episode XXV (Rise of Skywalker)Good Boy

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Recommended Song(s): My Boy by Billie Eilish

Days after TLJ:
26 days/three weeks and five days
A/N {HoLD oN To yOur hATs! YouR aBoUt tO GeT pOUnDEd! ~Adam Driver, 2016}

I jolted once I heard the ringing of my alarm, groaning as I reached to the side of my bed to turn it off. I wasn't actually asleep, I didn't get any rest last night, but it caught me off guard so that's why I jumped. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed to stand up and stretch, then I went over to my small closet. Almost everything in there was the same charcoal gray and had the First Order insignia embroidered on the sleeve.

I dressed myself tiredly, and pulled my hair up into a tight yet perfect bun. After I checked everything in the mirror to make sure it was perfect, I sighed, now gazing at the four new scars going across the right side of my face. I felt so different with them, but I knew that I would eventually get used to them, just like I did with my first scar. I didn't think of myself all that beautiful anyways so it makes no difference to me. I adjusted the black patch covering my right eye then went to my door.

Some days I wish I didn't have to leave the comfort and safety of my quarters but I must. "Are you coming this time, 7A?" I asked about to open my door. BB-7A beeped happily and rolled up next to me. I opened the door and set off with 7A next to me. One thing I really don't look forward to each day is having to go to the Infirmary for the nurses to check my scars for infections and help them heal a bit. I feel fine but they insist.

7A and I turned a corner and walked just a little bit farther until we reached the infirmary.
"Ah, Commander," Said one of the nurses, who's name I learned over time was Samantha. "Come sit so I can examine you." She gestured over to one of the beds so I sat on the closest one and Samantha pulled up a chair in front of me and put on rubber gloves.
"Could you take off the patch for me?"
I was hesitant but removed the black patch from my right eye which I could barely open without pain.

"So, have you felt any pain or irritation?" Samantha inquired while touching my scars lightly. "Some." I answered, trying to hold back a hiss. My thoughts immediately went to yesterday when Ren touched my scars and it hurt a tiny bit.
"Hmm, can you try to open your eye?" The young nurse asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I slowly lifted my right eyelid but closed it from the pain it was causing me. "Come on, try again." Urged Samantha. I sighed. I tried again and this time I successfully opened my right eye. It did hurt a lot because of it being closed for so long but I could see a little out of it. "Blink for me?"
I blinked a few times.
"Now look to up..... Down..... Left... And right, perfect!" She said as I obeyed.

Then she picked up a small flashlight and pointed it at my eye, saying: "Follow the light."
Every place she moved it to, I looked, trying not to close my eyes since it was so bright.
Samantha turned it off and smiled. "You are good to go!"
"Really?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.
"Indeed, Commander, Miss. You are perfectly fine, your scars are healing nicely and if you have two eyes that you can see out of then you are dismissed and you don't have to come back for examinations."

"Okay, thank you." I said as I stood up then went to leave.
"Oh, and don't wear the patch for a while." Samantha said quickly before I stepped out the door. "Otherwise you will get too used to wearing it and you won't be able to see properly."
I nodded and left.


Entering the Command Deck, 7A and I went over to Adika's desk. "Admiral," I started.
"Oh, hello, Commander, " She said, turning around in her chair to look at me and smile. "What can I do for you?"

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