Episode XIII (Force Awakens)Han Solo

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Recommended Song(s): Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott (Yes, this song again. Fight me.)

Kylo's POV

"Nova and the Scavenger.........Resisted you?!"

"The Scavenger is strong with the force!" I explained to Snoke. "Untrained but stronger then she knows."

"And Nova?" Snoke asked, the inritation in his voice prominent.
I gulped. Do I want to tell him the little girl from my childhood overpowered me?
"She's seen it too." I answered after a moment of hesitation. "I tried to get the map from her as well, but she overpowered me."

"That's what you should expect when you try to information from a female. And a Sith one at that. And the Droid?"
I opened my mouth to answer yet I heard footsteps behind me and my jaw clenched as I sensed who it was.
"Ren believed it was no longer valuable to us." Hux said, moving to stand next to me. "That the Scavenger and Nova were all we needed. As a result, the Droid has most likely been returned to the hands of the enemy. They may have the map already."

"Then the Resistance must be destroyed before they get to Skywalker." Said Snoke.

"We have their location." Hux added. "We tracked their reconnaissance ship to the ileenium system."

"Good." Snoke replied. I rolled my eyes.
"Then we will crush them once and for all. Prepare the weapon."

I raised my head to meet my Master's gaze. "Supreme Leader, I can get the map from Nova and The Scavenger... I just need your guidance."
He considered this for a moment then said: "If what you say about Nova and the Scavenger are true... bring them to me."

Eclypse's POV

How do I get out?
I thought.

I was strapped back to the chair thing.
I tried to wriggle my way out but that didn't work so it was hopeless.

'Use the Force.'
'I don't think that would work-'
'Use the Jedi mind trick.'
'The Jedi mind trick? You're out of your mind.'
'Just do it.'

I sighed.

"You will release me from these restraints and leave without your blaster and the door open." I said to the Trooper guarding me.

"I will release you from these restraints and leave without my blaster and the door open."
He repeated under the mind trick.
He unlocked my wrist from the chair thing, put down his blaster and left the cell with the door open.

'I told you it would work.'
'Ok fine you win.'
'I believe it's called a Checkmate.'

I smirked and playfully rolled my eyes. I quickly grabbed my lightsaber and my communication beacon and ran out the door.

'Be careful.'
'I will.'
'I love you...'
'I love you too.'


'Turn left here.'

I obeyed.

'Keep going straight ahead and be careful because there are people coming.'
'Okay, I will.'
'Now make another left and then a sharp right.'

A woman turned a corner, probably a lieutenant, on a datapad but when she looked up she gasped and pulled out a blaster.
"Who are you?! Identity yourself!" She said.
I merely held up my hands in surrender, taking careful steps toward her.
"Don't worry, I don't have a weapon." I lied.
Her hands were shaking as she dropped the datapad and held the blaster with both hands. "Stay where you are! Wait no- Come here so I can cuff you!"
I obeyed and walked closer, holding out my hands for her to cuff.
She slowly lowered the blaster which was a mistake because I immediately took that chance to punch her, hard. The woman went out cold and fell to the floor.
I smirked at the accomplishment then searched her uniform for an I.D. Card.

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