Episode XXXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Scared

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Recommended Song(s): Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye

Eclypse's POV

I sighed as I held the cold, cut edges of Kylo's destroyed helmet. They were small and bent.
"If you want to get it repaired then go-ahead. It's your decision, not mine."
"I asked you if I should because I wanted your opinion, Nova." Kylo replied, I could hear him coming up closer behind me. "And I am withholding my opinion for a reason."
"What is the reason?"
"Because I simply don't want to say." I trembled yet rolled my eyes, feeling two hands on my shoulders and warm breath on my neck.
"Please, elaborate, my small Little Fox."
"No. I refuse. And don't manipulate me into saying with seductive tricks."
"As you wish, Supreme Commander." Kylo removed his hands from me and backed away. "Shall I make an order that yours may be repaired as well?"
I shook my head. "No, thank you. I think I can live without it."
"Alright." He said, turning me around to face him. "And I'll see you at the meeting?"
"Yes, of course, I was the only one who joined you on Exegol." I answered and grinned slightly.
"Excellent." I saw him glance down at my lips so I leaned in quickly pressing mine to his. Kylo grinned, putting his hand on my cheek, making it grow deeper. But I pulled away even if I truly wanted to continue. I don't want it going too far though...

"You have no idea how much you mean to me..." It was a soft whisper. And it meant a lot. Especially coming from him. He took my hand in his then kissed it, keeping my eye contact the same way he did when my hand was cut.

"... My Empress."


Here we go again.

"And why can't I come in with you?" Alanya demanded, trying to keep up with me. "Because this is about the expedition I went on with Ren! You can't go in because you are not a high authority! I may not be a General like the rest on the Council but I was still asked to be on it." I repeated.
"You're only saying that because I'm a Youngling and you think I won't understand."
I stopped in my tracks then turned around to face her. She looked very angry and annoyed. "Do you really think I'm underestimating you?"
"Yes, I do." Alanya tried folding her arms but failed for her left shoulder was still in a cast.
"You should know that it's not my intention. Now, I have to go and you have to study."  She rolled her eyes then walked off in the other direction. She's been like this for a while, wanting to be apart of the action but of course, I say no. After Coruscant my trust has been low.

As I continued to the board room, I pulled my leather gloves from my pocket and worked to pull them on, feeling the softness on the inside.
I scrambled to zip the sides closed, not seeing where I was going. And for some odd reason, the second zipper would not shut. But when it was finally closed, I came in contact with someone and I stumbled back.
Thankfully I didn't fall. There's no telling what would happen if I did.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't p-paying attention to my surroundings!" I rambled, dusting myself off then looked up to see who it was.

My eyes were met with an empty black visor starring back at me.

"Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, I apologize." I bowed immediately to Ren and his Knights keeping my head low. He got it fixed like he said he would. Except it was different now. It has red cracks in it.
And I don't know why but it scared me.
It's not truly him.
The man in that mask isn't the man I know.

A hand lifted my chin.
"There is no need to apologize to me, Supreme Commander." Ren's synthesizer made him sound so fake. I didn't answer back as I stood up straight then turned back around because I knew that I missed the door to the meeting room. I really need to pay attention. Reaching the open door, I walked in, seeing that almost everyone had already arrived. The only empty chairs were for me, Ren, Hux and Saxe. I took my seat and as soon as I did Hux entered and did the same. He seemed off. As if he were nervous. And when Saxe came in she was the same way. I wonder what happened...
Then last but not least, the Supreme Leader arrived. Everyone who was mumbling to their neighbor shut up. But what was surprising to me was Vicrul followed after him.

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