Episode XVIIII (Last Jedi)Welcome

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Recommended Song(s): Maneater or Kiss On My List by Daryl Hall & John Oats

I took a deep breath as I walked up onto the platform, mentally preparing myself for this announcement. Saxe stood next to me with her chest held high.  "As you, all may know, " I started loudly for all the soldiers, Officers, Generals, Lieutenants, and Captains to hear. "The Obscurist Empire was the enemy of the Galactic Empire, we were forced into hiding, to be kept to ourselves. Now, it is The First Order. They tried to get us to back out of the battle. But we wouldn't. We were strong, and we are still in that battle to this day! But, I have found a flaw in that. We may be strong but we have lost many times to The First Order. I hate to admit it but, they have a bigger army. They are stronger than us. They had a proposal for me. To join forces with them. It took some time for me to accept that offer but earlier I made my decision. I am no longer The Empress. We are now The First Order and we forever will be from this day forth. Anyone who decides to revolt against this will suffer a fate worse than death."


"General, would you like to take over?" Asked quietly. She nodded and took my place where I stood.
"We will be departing to The First Order's Finalizer tomorrow at 1200 hours. God speed, Soldiers. You are dismissed."



Third-person POV, Kylo

Commander Kylo Ren turned a corner in a hallway of the Finalizer, heading towards the main control. Obviously, he was in a bad mood, wanting to force-choke the next person he sees. He wasn't very happy with the alliance with The Obscurist Empire. Well, yes they desperately needed a strong Ally but the Empire was their last resort. The only thought he had to stop him from killing someone was of Eclypse.
There was this certain air about her that was just so...... perfect. She is perfect. Eclypse consumed his thoughts on a regular basis. It would be safe to say that Kylo wanted her. That kiss they shared was not enough for him. He needed more, but, Kylo knew he had to keep these thoughts and desires locked away for one reason and one reason only.


His master.
Who knows what he would do if he found that his apprentice was lusting after a Sith. So Kylo had to be cautious with keeping his mind open to anyone.

"General Hux, " Kylo started as he entered the command Deck. Hux turned around.
"When will Darth Nova and her troops be arriving?"
"They actually should be here any minute now. I suggest that you go down to the hatch to greet them." Hux replied. Kylo scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not going down there." He said.
"They are now apart of The First Order, Ren. You must. And stop acting like a child." Hux turned away to another Officer, not letting Kylo speak anymore.


As Kylo watched Darth Nova's ship landed on the platform he held his posture perfect and expressionless, though, under the black leather of his gloves his hands were sweating with nervousness.

Nova exited along with another woman with short light brown hair and a man who had auburn hair and kept his helmet under his arm, who Kylo knew as General Kaitlin Saxe and Captain Issac Salamandra(BB-7A followed close to Nova). About one hundred soldiers followed behind them, their blasters striped to their backs. Nova held her chest high as her cape flowed behind, confidence and beauty radiating off her.

A/N {Why am I so poetic today???}

"Welcome to the Finalizer, Darth Nova." Kylo said as he bowed to the three who bowed back, trying desperately not to let his voice crack.

"Thank you, Commander Ren." Nova replied. "We are very glad to be a part of the First Order." Her voice, firm with a deeply hidden sweetness, made his heart beat just a bit faster than normal.
"And so are we." He added, but lied. Kylo was not the only one who didn't agree with this alliance. Hux and Phasma were pretty upset about it too.
"Well, we must not keep Supreme Leader Snoke waiting. Shall we?" He held out his arm for her to take.
"Yes, Commander. Please lead the way." Nova smirked and interlocked their arms.

"Show General Saxe and The Captain were the control deck is." Kylo said to one of the troopers as they passed by. "Yes, Commander, Sir." Said the trooper.

Eclypse's POV

As Ren and I rode the elevator, I tried hard to keep my mind closed. It's just no matter how hard I tried......... I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Even if I didn't want to.
"Look, Eclypse I-"
"Don't even start." I cut in. "We are to be civil about this. Nothing more. Nothing less."
Ren sighed.

The door opened to reveal a red dome room with a throne at the end of it.
Snoke sat upon the throne.
I gulped and looked down at 7A.
"Stay here. I will be back in a moment." I said.
Ren and I strode towards the throne and then bowed to Snoke with our knees to the floor.
Bowing to someone is foreign to me.
I guess it's because I've never had a Master.
I mean, yes, I have bowed to my grandfather but, he and I knew that someday I would be my own master.
This is permanent.
"Ah, Commander Nova. I am glad you have arrived. Safely." Said Snoke.
I kept myself to the floor.
"I am sure you are aware that The Resistance is running low on fuel."

"Yes. Our original plan was to follow The First Order and after you defeated The Resistance we would come and overthrow you. That plan has changed now." I chuckled.
"Well, we mustn't go into detail now." Snoke responded. "I expect you are weary from your travels. We will discuss our strategy in the morning."
"Yes, Supreme Leader."
I raised myself up and bowed my head once more(Ren did the same). Ren took hold of my arm and pulled me toward the elevator. I didn't protest, well at least not in front of Snoke.
"Oh and Nova?" Snoke called after me.
"Yes, Supreme Leader?" I asked sweetly.

Snoke smiled evilly, his piercing blue eyes glittering. "Welcome."

I smirked.
"Thank you, Supreme Leader." I replied.
The door to the elevator closed and immediately yanked my arm from Ren's tight hold.
"What the hell?!" I exclaimed. "Why were holding me like I belong to you?! Like I'm something you own?!"
"Oh, I could have sworn you did." Ren remarked taking a step closer.
"I don't belong to anyone." I spat. "Not even a boy who wore a mask to make himself feel important. You will never be like Darth Vader."

His eye twitched in irritation.
"You might want to watch your tone and words with me, Commander. Remember, you are not the Empress anymore."

"Empress or not. I will never be yours."

Ren glared at me before smirking.

"We'll see." He whispered.

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