Episode X (Force Awakens)Sleep

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Recommended Song(s): Demons by Hayley Kiyoko

Those damn words that Ren said are still stuck in my head. Wonderful. They kept on repeating, and repeating, and repeating, and they will probably continue until I lose my sanity. It's just the way he said it, it reminds me of someone from my youth. But it couldn't be.
My past was dead.

"Empress Nova, what do you think?" General Saxe said snapping me out of my thoughts.
My head jolted up.

"I apologize, General, I was lost in my thoughts." I said.

She sighed. "There have been sightings of The Millennium Falcon from our allies, Your Majesty. Do you think we should try to track it down through that?"

"Yes General, we should. But we should be careful about this. It's not only the First Order we are fighting against." I said.

"Of course, Empress." Saxe replied.

I nodded and got up to head to my quarters.


Quietly I opened the door to my quarters with the force, revealing the large spotless room. It was fit for my position, a fair sized kitchen in the corner, a large refresher, and a bed one would say is fit for an Empress. The ceiling high windows brought the light of the moon in and made it so I could look out over the snow of my planet, Neeve.

"Hello 7A." I sighed, walking over to the bed and plopping myself onto it to sink into the softness of the mattress and red blankets. My exhaustion was prominent in my voice as I spoke, now that I was alone and able to be free of having to mask it.

The white and purple droid whistled.
"Yes... First Rajah and now we have to tack down a ship? What next?... Thanks..." I groaned and sat up to glare at her. "Now, 7A we have been through this before, I only take it off when I know I can trust the person in front of me... No, I don't. Ever since that day, my view of myself changed and I realized something about myself that I never did before... Hmm."

I went over to my closet, closing the door behind me so I could discard of of my clothing and change. Once I had dressed in my clothes for the night (my bra and some random sweatpants) and put my hair in a ponytail, I exited, turned off the lights, and pulled back the blankets to my bed to lay down and rest.


I lay wide awake staring at the falling snow in my window as I do every night. I can't sleep, like always. But this time I really can't sleep. My mind has been occupied with extra thoughts for the past three days. It's just those words...... They won't stop echoing in my head.

"A little girl probably afraid of her own shadow."

I hate those words.
Kylo Ren doesn't know me.
He doesn't know what I have done to get my power.
What I have been through.
What I want.

"I am fascinated that you are thinking of me at this hour." I heard that same robotic voice I dread.

Why? Why now?
I wondered as I groaned.

"What do you want, Ren?" I hissed, pulling the covers off me so I could stand. Kylo Ren stood in front of me yet again, his hands at his sides and his cloak off. I guessed that he was getting ready to rest too. I felt his eyes, though shielded by the helmet, travel from my eyes down to lay at my chest then away quickly.

"Do you have something to cover yourself with?" He asked and cleared his throat.

I looked down at myself and saw that I still had on my bra but it covered me well so I don't care. Ren is just going to have to deal with it and try his best not to be a pervert.
Nonetheless, my freckled cheeks blushed slightly and I folded my arms in an attempt to cover myself.
"I want to ask you something, Kylo Ren." I mocked. "Out of all the people in the Galaxy....... why would you come and bother me?" I asked.

Ren shrugged.
"I was wondering the same thing." He replied.
"You didn't bridge our minds?" I asked.

"No. But it is useful." He said closing the distance between us. His voice, again, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
He's doing this on purpose.
My heart jumped. Why though?

"What for?" I whispered. I kept my hand behind my back just in case I need to pull my lightsaber to me.

"Like the fact that we both crave attention." Ren lowered his voice like I did.

"I honestly wish I could give you attention, but, I simply don't have the energy.
So stop pretending you've known me since childhood. You don't know me." I remarked as I glared into his visor.
"Oh, but I do." He whispered. "More than you will ever know."

I was then left by myself as the force cut us off.
Sighing in relief that he was gone, I got back in bed and pulled the covers over myself.
Oh, it's gonna be a difficult night.

'Why is your heart beating so fast?'
'I don't want to talk about it.'
'Oh... ok...'
'No, wait! Please don't go! Please! Don't leave me.'

I didn't hear any reply.

Third-person POV, Kylo

After Kylo Ren cut off, he became very thoughtful, and he was smirking slightly,
but why?

Did he lust after Eclypse? Maybe. No.

Was it because of what she was wearing?

Kind of, (he licked his lips at the thought) but that wasn't why he was smirking for goodness sake. Or maybe it was...
"Why can't I get her out of my head?" he said to himself, as he was pacing back and forth in his quarters. He removed his helmet to breathe freely and sighed, clenching his eyes shut. It's been a long day...
"She's on the Obscurist side, I can't pursue her, though we're both on the dark side." He stopped pacing and sat down on his bed. "She has grown up over the years. I never thought she'd become this powerful." He started remembering how vulnerable Eclypse was as a child.

"And She is a Sith now." Kylo reminded himself.
"She has an empire."

Stop thinking about her... Just... Stop.
He thought.
Remember, Snoke can read your thoughts.

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