Episode XXXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Vain

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Recommended Song(s): Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes and Dead Girls by Penelope Scott

Kijimi was cold like always. Snow rested all over the town, except since the First Order took over here everything's just been dull. I can see it clearly. Leading the search party was Phasma and I, and the Supreme Leader would be joining us down here soon too.
As I traveled through the streets alone with two of Kylo's Knights, Trudgen and Ushar, I tried using as much of the force as I could to see if that could maybe find Rey. Kylo had said that it was 'too dangerous' for me to go alone so he sent them with me and I'm glad that he didn't pick Vicrul to be one.

The two men walked behind me, footsteps uniform as they did, carrying their weapons close. We were in the undisturbed part of the city since it's most likely that she'd hide over here than in plain sight. Close by I sensed people, and heard footsteps. I stopped, holding up my hand for them to stop as well.
"Mistress, what is it?" Trudgen asked but I hushed him to listen closer.

"Threepio, move your metal ass! We're almost there!" I heard.
"How dare you! We've only just met!"
Why do those voices sound familiar?
I took careful steps toward that direction then heard a ship overhead.
Kylo's ship.

"Poe we have to go. Now." Another voice said.
There she is.

It wasn't too far away for us not to follow so I gave them a hand signal to split up and go around, to which they both nodded and went quicky in two different directions. I believe it better that we try to corner her somehow.
I tried roaming around too, hoping to see a glimpse of them somewhere. Rey's presence was close but hard to focus on. There were too many distractions coming from the people in the other side of the city; Stormtroopers breaking into homes, families and children screaming, and the fact that I understand both sides made it harder to continue.
A sudden image flashed through my head, it went so quickly that I couldn't even identify it.

Stay focused, Nova.
I told myself, shaking my head and continuing my search.

It was to the point where I was running through the streets, my head turning in every direction. My heart rate grew faster and faster as I knew I was close to them. Just a little bit farther...
But I should have been careful, especially in my state. I shouldn't have been running. Yet I tripped over a stone step and yelped. I almost hit the ground.

A hand grabbed my arm quickly and pulled me up straight.
The person who caught me put both of their hands on my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" They asked me, their voice was sort of robotic, similar to Ren's, except feminine.
I nodded, eyes wide with shock.
"Are you sure?" The woman asked again.
I nodded again. "I'm f-f-fine. Why did you cat-ch me?"
The visor to her gold helmet lifted to reveal deep green eyes and pale skin.

"I couldn't let you fall like that." She shook her head. Her natural voice was steady and calming. "Even if you are with the First Order, I just couldn't." I saw her eyes glance down at my figure. "Especially when you're like this. It would haunt me forever if I didn't do anything."

I hesitated. "... What's your name?"

"I don't think it would be the best idea to tell you that. They're already after me as it is." The woman rolled her eyes.
"Why would I tell my superiors that I saw you?" I told her. "If I told them they'd probably execute you for whatever they think necessary. How could I let that happen when you helped me?"

She sighed and said: "Zorii. My name is Zorii."

"Thank you, Zorii."

"Yeah..." She then chuckled. "Don't mention it."

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