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While all blessed the newly weds Urvi and Advay, Leela sat overwhelmed with all the care she received from Nandini and Ranawats. While the latter were not happy about Leela staying at Chauhan's, Nandini made it clear that it was first born for them as well as she wasn't compromising on that. Leela was past her first trimester and had started  showing signs of pregnancy. Though all was good on health front, she somehow feared clash between two families.

Maan sat next to her. ''Hey!''

''Maan, I don't want any one hurt.''

''Trust me, no one will. WHat you see is their stupid royal ego. They will come around.''

''Mom and chachi loaded the vehicle with all kinds of stuff for me. My aunt believes that Ranwats consider Chauhans  incapable of taking care of me.'' Maan smiled at her worried face. Gently pressing his thumb on either side of his forehead , he tried erasing those lines. ''Leave them on me, you just enjoy the cat fight. Trust me, they love you and won't go beyond this stupid competition.'' SHe just nodded. He lifted her hand to his lips, turning his eyes to the dais he asked. ''We too could have had this kind of wedding if you weren't an angry bird.''

She chuckled. ''I think I have all I ever wanted. There are no regrets.'' Their trans broke when Raksha handed Leela a bowl of fruits, instructing Maan to be around.

''Now in a minute, your aunt will be here.'' And Nandini appeared from no where. ''I got you fresh juice.'' Leela just pressed her lips. While Maan was good a keeping a straight face, it was very difficult for her to maintain a calm.'' Maan then whispered, ''Next will be my mom.'' And it came true. Leela had to fake coughing to control her laughter. She rolled her eyes when worry laden eyes crowded her. She looked up and found Maan winking at her, while his mother reprimanded him for not taking care of Leela.


''Advay, let go.'' Urvi tried moving his hand out of his grip but he refused to let go. They had been teased , mocked by cousins and friends while few gossiped at the open display of affection. "Advay!''

''I said no.'' That came very firm. Urvi blinked. She felt nervous and a little embarrassed. Raina who stood next to the couple helping them with the guests; she rubbed Urvi's back. ''He is a kind of jerk.''

''Bhai, you are making her uncomfortable.''   Raina urged Advay to behave.

''No she is not.'' Advay replied. Raina huffed. ''Either you behave, or I let Dadu handle you. You know what Naren Ranawat can be if angered.'' Advay narrowed his eyes. ''I will get back to you.''

''That's what you have done all your life.'' She pulled Urvi's hand out of Advay's rubbing it a little. ''And don't worry what people think, they just want something to forget about their own faults.'' Urvi nodded.

''Congratulations to you two!'' Raina turned to take the gift on behalf on the couple but froze. Siddhant stood there on the dais smiling at her. Advay snatched the huge bouquet asking him to step aside. Siddhant did after a nod, his eyes smiling at the beautiful Ranawat princess stepping down the dais. Her eyes followed his form with her heart thudding with happiness. 


While younger Rathores enjoyed the celebrations, the elders had their whole world wrapped around a tiny finger of Vrushalli Rathore. Dipika watched with smile as Anuradha Ranawat tried luring little Rathore Princess from Veer. ''She won't go to her.'' Ananya said

''How do you know?'' Dipika asked, her eyes still on Vrushalli.

''She knows we never liked this woman. She had trouble our Raksha so much back then.''

The two watched as little Princess blinked, stared and then turned away from Anuradha Ranwat. Ananya , Dipika gave each other a hifi celebrating the snubbing of the proud woman. Veer quickly excused himself in attempt to hide his smile. He lovingly reprimanded the little girl who decided to laugh at him. ''You too wish to mock me.'' She giggled again. Veer pecked her forehead, ''You are not supposed to be so mean to your relatives; even if they have bean mean in the past. Do you understand.'' She decided to look away. ''Pure Rathore, will never listen to something at once.'' 

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