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Vikram punched the bag as a part of his daily practice. He felt his attacks weren't up to the mark, breathing deep he turned 360 degree and kicked the bag hard but it stayed at its place without moving an inch. He huffed, something was not letting him focus on his practice. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes to build his focus but behind the closed eyes flashed an innocent face, brown eyes and the smile that he received as an award for saving her. 'How dumb of me, I didn't even ask her name.' He murmured to himself.

''So my guess was right, you are still dreaming of that girl but isn't she too young? You must be of her father's age.'' Rolli teased digging her teeth into the apple. Vikram gave her a flat stared going back to his practice, his grip loosened and he slipped earning a laugh from his sister. He pulled off his gloves and dumped them in a corner, ''Enough of your taunts! Fine, kick it harder than me.''

Rolli chewed the fruit in her mouth, keeping the rest on the table. She brushed off her palms and stood near the bag taking her position. She took a minute, stepped back and came forward full force. The bag oscillated left to right vigorously before crashing on the floor. She smiled at him, ''You need to relax bhai!

Vikram stared at his sister with a raised brow as she danced over her victory, he waited for her to finish. She stopped and walked to him, ''Bhai , take a break. Wait for your informers to find about her, you will be fine once you know who she is.''

''Who said I am looking for her?'' Vikram came out defensive making Rolli chuckle, ''You forgot, I am trained to be your shadow. I am there even if I am not visible.''

He stared at her with a smile and then pulled her into a bear hug, ''You are good enough to be a leader. There is no need for you to be a shadow.'' He said patting her cheek.

She huffed, ''But its fun to be a shadow!''


She smiled, took a step back , turning away from him she explained, ''One can be present yet absent being a shadow, and can surprise the enemy any time at own will.'' She sounded thrilled. Vikram frowned, she sometimes sounded more dangerous than she appeared to be. He turned her around, ''You don't have to be that! I want you to live to the fullest.''

''Vicky, I know there is something our parents never share. I know you are worried and digging the details, I just want to help.'' Her face turned serious

''Rolli, whatever it is. I will face it first, before it touches anyone of you.'' He sounded firm

She didn't retaliate but smiled with a nod, ''By the way her name is Sonakshi, she is a 11th grader in an Ivy School! Don't you think you are too old for her?''

Vikram rejoiced but kept his emotions neutral, ''Who?'' he tried to sound confused.

''The one who had infiltrated your heart and mind, and made you blush just now.'' She pulled out a paper, ''Here , her details and next time ask me. I can get things done faster than your loser friends.''

''Over confidence.'' He teased

She pulled  her jacket on, ''Rathore confidence.'' With a smiled she waved running down the stairs. He stood watching her retreating form, and then smiled. His sister knew him just too well. Moving to the table he picked the paper which the details of girl he saved, he decided to meet her once.


Sonakshi waved at her friends walking out of her school, past days have been hectic due to projects and assignments. After the fateful day, Dev had gone extra protective about her. She wasn't permitted alone anywhere, even after school he had arranged a guard for to be dropped home safely. She shook her head recalling how he had synced their phones so that he knows of her location all the time.

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