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Thank You to all my lovely readers for making the Royal series a big success. It had been an wonderful writing and getting so many comments and appreciation from all of you.

I love reading all the comments even if they are months old, its my stress buster.

I know you all wanted to know what is next. I am taking a break as I have few career aspirations to achieve. 

Is there a next book on Royals?  No, this is the last book and won't be any other book on Royals. I have reached a saturation point and out of stories. 

What I am writing next? Something more matured( not 18+). By Matured I mean something deep in emotions. I know maximum of my readers are students but this time I want to write for a different age group but that as well will take 3-6 months.

Thanks again for all the love and appreciation. I hope you support all good writers here the way you supported me.

Also, if you find any writers work getting compromised or copied, please inform that writer . Its their right. I face this 3 and I have taken action. I would suggest other writers to be vigilant of their work. 

Once again. Thanks to the lovely readers, I started from being bad, to below average and now average as a writer with your support. And I aim to be the best may be sometime in future.

Love you all

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