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''We should look for him.'' Agni insisted

''We will but before that dad should be informed.'' Rolli pulled her phone out to inform Ranvijay when Agni's words made her disconnect

''I felt he knew you.''


''His eyes, they never followed your movements or else it wouldn't have been difficult to lock you down for few minutes. They were focused on your face. Is there anyone who could do this Hukum?''

Rolli thought, could it beDev? But then why would he attack her? Why wouldn't he just walk in from the front door and speak to her? Or was it someone from their decade old enemy . As the realisation dawned, she knew it would be best that the family should be informed. 


Sona nervously stepped into the university campus, it was her first day. She didn't wanted to continue as she had made up her mind to leave after the tiff with Vikram but Dev asked her to put a show. She believed him and decided to do as said.

''3rd floor, 5th room from the stairs is your classroom.'' Sona jolted when she heard a familiar voice behind her. Amba gave a soft smile as Sona stared at her confused.

''So you are going to follow me here too.'' Sona asked a little miffed about her privacy being interrupted

Amba smiled, ''I have been appointed your guard because we are going to be classmates.''

Sona was beyond pissed, ''What a way make one feel like a prisoner even after being free.''

The young guard couldn't stand the bitterness towards the family she respected more than her life. Taking a step she looked straight into Sona's eyes, ''trust me Princess, you never would want to know what captivity means. They trust you and I request you never to break that.''

''Or what?'' Sona challenged

''Jaigarh can die and kill for the family you are a part off. They are worshipped, and you know what happened when ones Gods are attacked.'' The message was loud and clear. 

'Taking a step back she gestured Sona to take a lead. Sona knew it was a warning, the guards were too loyal to get friendly until they trusted her completely. She wanted some private time to contact Dev but with Amba around she knew it wasn't possible. Sona had noticed the brigade of guards Rathores had , not to forget the females. They came from small tribes and were lethal in every sense. She decided to let Dev know about the danger here.

By the time day came to an end ,Sona was impressed with the University Infrastructure and staff, she could easily make out why people around had all praises for the Rathores. She shook her head, 'they are good at masking their darkness with all these stuff.' Her thoughts broke when her guard asked her to get in the vehicle.


Hemant's revival bought a wave of happiness in Rathore household and the staff. Ranvijay had hugged his long time friend the moment he could sit straight. 

''I am not going to die till I am sure all around you is safe.'' Hemant said with a smile.

''That relives me now as I don't think this would ever happen.'' Ranvijay replied. Ananya smiled watching the duo and decided to leave when Hemant's voice held her back, ''Hukum, we have to be careful. They won't sit back quietly. They will attack again''

''We will tackle that, for now you take rest.'' Ranvijay replied

Ananya looked over her shoulder, without a word she stepped out walking out of the Staff Quarters. She halted when she felt someone behind her, ''Find them all and keep an eye on them. If required, I will used all of them in our favour'' The figure nodded disappearing next moment.

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