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''How is this one for reception, Sona will look angelic in this.'' Dipika asked her hand caressing the rich  fabric.

''She should be looking sexy to blow Vicky's mind off.'' Ananya replied in her usual self. They shared a laugh. Ananya took a seat next to Dipika, ''I doubt she would be able to move after wearing this. She is so thin.''

''But Mom wants her to wear this for the reception.'' Ananya nodded. Shivani Rathore never demanded or ordered around but once she decided upon something, her family followed.

Dipika fiddled with the pile of clothes not sure how to being the conversation she had in mind. 

"Out with it. If after all these years, you have to think so much to speak your mind to me, it means I haven't won your heart.''

Dipika threw a pillow at her.  ''I wanted to speak about Vansh, I knew about them.'' She confessed. Ananya smiled, ''Its fine. I am glad someone knew about it.''

''I hope you are not angry about his choice.''

''Why would I be? Chitra is an amazing girl but they are too young and the way this boy is behaving, I fear Ranvijay would do anything to pin him down.''

''So do I." Dipika agreed, they both were worried about Vansh's rebellious nature and the repercussion he would have to face as a result of it.

''Do you think Sona can handle the way you did for all those years?'' Dipika asked

''I didn't stood up because I was different but because I had no other option. Sona had no option but to match the new king. And what are we here for.'' Dipika nodded but she doubted, Sona was a kid and too gullible which Ananya had never been. They had a long route training Vikram's baby bride.


Aadhavan was all set to leave, he had to reach and overlook the arrangements for the wedding. He had always been guilty about not being there for his kids and now he wanted to make up for it.

''Appa, the car is ready.'' Dev informed his father. Aadhavan nodded, ''Though, I want you to join us but I can't expect you to leave your mother alone.''

Dev smiled, ''Mrs Netra can be taken care of in my absence as well. She doesn't me, she has all she always wanted. I will there in few days.'' He promised his father.

Dev walked his father to the car, Sona stood there fiddling with her fingers.  Dev shook his head, ''You will see him soon, stop acting like that.'' He whispered . She lowered her eyes as her brothers and father laughed.

''Get in Sagar!'' Aadhavan ordered. Sagar quietly stood next to Dev, ''I will stay back and come along with Anna.'' Sagar replied

Dev wanted to protest but Aadhavan agreed. Sagar had a niggling feeling about his brother and he didn't wanted to leave Dev alone.  He feared that if he left, he wouldn't see Dev again. His brother had changed since their return form Jaigarh. The small meeting with Rathore Princess had left his brother broken and Sagar could see that.

''what's up with you Sagar?'' Dev asked after Aadhavan and Sona left. Sagar didn't hesitate, ''Would you leave me alone knowing that I am in pain.''  Dev froze, he shut his eyes tight not sure how to face his brother but he forgot that Sagar loved him more than his father. He was six months when 12 year old decided to be his guardian angel, he had been always present where a kid needed parents. Sagar's  arms went around his elder brother from behind, ''Is she  all what matters? Do I matter to you?'' 

Dev smiled, pulling Sagar to his front, ''You are growing too fast.''

He didn't answer instead, he said what he had been wanting to since their return from Jaigarh, ''If she can't forgive you, I will never forgive her for giving you pain.'' Dev pulled his nose, ''Get in!''

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