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Ranvijay sat near his friend and guard Hemant, it had become a ritual sine they brought  him in injured. Ranvijay could never forget that Hemant took the bullet meant for him. Moving closer he caressed the head of his long time friend. The big guy who could twist neck like fingers now lay silent at the mercy of big machines,''I need you to wake up Hemant or I don't know what will I do.''

Ranvijay covered his face, he was pained beyond words and his anger knew no bounds. For years he had tried to end all kinds of danger, given chances to their foes to amend but now he regretted it. They seemed to have forgotten who he was and what power he held. It was time he go back to his old ways and this time he wasn't ready to spare any one.

''Hukum'' Ranvijay felt a soothing palm on his shoulder. He knew it was Badal, Hemant's son.

''I am fine Badal. Was just trying to emotionally blackmail your dad.'' Badal gave him a smile, Ranvijay frowned, ''What is it?''

Badal huffed and narrated about Vikram and his bide , also about the commotion in the family. Ranvijay raked his fingers through his hair, ''Thanks for the surprise and saving me from the shock. Let me just cool things down for the new couple. Take care of Hemant and call me if you need something.'' Badal nodded

Ranvijay walked out of the apartment as he made his way to the main Palace. His thoughts lingering at the history of his family, all the men of Rathore clans were just same, mad in love. 


Vikram felt immensely tired after the grilling session he had with his family. He just wanted to crash on the bed and sleep. The emotional drama had left him worn out. Vikram entered his suited and locked the door firm behind him, moving to the bedroom he kicked of his shoes, threw off his tshirt propelling on bed on face. 

''Wow! It amazes me to see that you aren't affected a bit about your deeds.'' Sona's bitter voice slashed his ear drums. Vikram sat up, ''Now what happened to you.''

She laughed as if he cracked a joke making his frown, he rubbed his forehead, ''If you are in a mood to joke, lets talk later. I am too worn out of any of this.'' He threw his body again on the bed

Sona glared at his resting form. She had been burning in anger over his betrayal . There was no way she could wait for a minute. Walking to him she slapped his naked back, ''How could you sleep after betraying me this bad.''

Vikram opened his eyes slowly, they were now turning dark. He was pissed that no one understood his plight right now. Controlling his anger he sat up, ''get over with it.''

''You lied to me. You never told me that you were a Royal. All this time I had been living a mirage, something which never existed. You took advantage of my innocence. You didn't even bother to tell me during our courtship or marriage and then you bring me here to meet your weird family''

Vikram stared at Sona for good 10 mins, ''Did I force you into this marriage or relationship. And what lie are you talking about. I told you I am from a business family precisely hotelier and that's true. About my Royal lineage, it was to protect my family. There has been absolutely no lie.''

''Protect your family!'' She mimicked . ''I am sure their heinous past must have drawn them to the verge that they need protection.'' She spat

Vikram could take all said to him but his family meant all. In a flash he had her pinned against the wall, his hand caging her dangerously, ''Talk about me an not my family. They have nothing to do with it.''

''really? I doubt that. '' She had a smug smile on her lips. 

Vikram didn't wanted to hurt her but she was crossing her limits, ''I didn't force this relationship on you nor this marriage. I proposed , that our family take this forward but you turned desperate to be my wife. So stop blaming me.'' 

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