Chapter 74

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''Vansh!'' A soft touch on his shoulders woke Vansh up from his thoughts. he had bee very quite since the day Chitra left. He swallowed the dryness , stretched his lips to face his mother. '' DOn't try and hide behind that smile of yours.''

''I am not mom.'' She chuckled. ''I know you even before you stepped into the world. Out with it and Now.''

''I am scared.''

''Of what?''

''Losing Chitra.''

''Why? You don't trust her or your love?''

He looked straight into his mother's eyes. ''Since I have understood this feeling, I have loved just her. She is perfect mom. I fear someone might steal her from me or she would find someone better than me.''

Ananya stared at her son. She understood his fears but comforting or agreeing to the fears was not her thing. She moved a little closer. ''You don't trust her''

''No Mom! I trust her.'' He shot. ''But I don't trust this distance.''

''Vansh, people can be together whole life yet distant, and some stay poles apart yet close. The only thing that matters is the depth of your feelings.''

''Still mom, what if chooses some one else?''

Ananya smiled. ''Then do what your dad did to get his love.'' That got her his full attention. ''You know son, had the situation been vice versa, I would done the same.''

Vansh scanned his mother from head to toe. ''Mom, he his over six feet.''

''Size doesn't matter, feelings and determination do.'' 

He rolled his eyes.''And how would you do that.'' Ananya opened her mouth but he immediately stopped her. ''No, please don't. I don't wish to hear how you would have done it.'' Ananya laughed throwing her head back, her son managed to guess her reply. He shook his body dramatically. ''You are such a drama mom.''

''That's talent.'' She countered. Ananya cupped his cheek. ''Your dad taught me go against all limits to win what your desire, and if required, I will do it for you.'' He hugged her. ''I am still scared.''

''Don't be!'' She rubbed his back. Ananya didn't wanted to push more, but her mind was ready to slowly make Vansh revive his dreams and passion. Her son was ready to be Vikram's biggest support.


''Stop pulling my top.'' Leela slapped MaanAdvay 's hand who had gone cold feet after discovering that the chances of getting caught were high

''I am nervous.''

''What kind of man you are?''

''How many kind do you know? And how do you spot the difference?'' He shot feeling insulted

''Don't ask irrelevant questions!''

''Then don't be so judgmental.'' . He shot back. The duo took a corner to locate the couple. Leela had threatened her sister's guard and got the venue from him. She knew , Urvi's absence won't go unnoticed specifically in current circumstances. Her family had turned very nosy in every matter of the two daughters.

Leela peeped to identify the culprit couple as Maan stood hanging on her shoulder. ''Maan, you are heavy.''

''You are weak.'' She opened and closed her mouth, not sure how to handle a guy who seemed to have reply for all. She just went about searching for the couple when Mann squeaked. ''What?''

''That guy brushed passed me and I got surprised.'' Leela pressed her lips, not sure whether to laugh or be angry. ''There they are. Now, we go there, take our respective package and leave. Am I clear.''

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