Chapter 58

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''I am taking you away from here. I can't stand you in danger at any cost.'' Aadhavan paced the room as Neelambari inspected Dev's wounds. 

''You didn't bother to call us.'' Neelambari complained

''Yet, you got the news. I am going to give the hottie Rathore Princess a check.''

''I am here, go on.'' Rolli challenged and he went quite.  Moving forward she touched the feet of Aadhavan and Neelambari. ''Bless you and where is Sona? She should have informed us.''

''She panicked patti, and what's the difference.'' Rolli asked rubbing her arm. 

''Will you tell me what happened?''

''Yes! And also how he didn't allow me to fight.'' Dev face palmed as his grandmother glared at him. He started blabbering as his father and grandmother reprimanded him. Rolli smiled stepping out, allowing the family sometime. She came face to face with Vasudha. ''I know what you are doing, but you won't succeed.''

The Princess smiled. ''You will always know of my plans. I will do all in open, yet will never be able to stop me. I am Aahana Ranvijay Rathore and I will live up to that name.'' Vsudha huffed but there was nothing she could do. Aahana Rathore resembled her great grandmother Rudrani Devi, a woman who was feared in her times. Vasudha had met her a quite a few times and knew if Rolli was anything like the late Queen, her life was in danger.


''You did the right thing by interrupting bhai or he would have killed all. Its time we stop all this.'' Veer thanked Dipika for her move. She nodded with a smile as Veer walked into his closet to change for the night. Dipika moved out on the porch,her eyes on the dark surroundings. She was aware it was just few hours before the dawn and she had to make her final move. 

She quickly answered Veer's call moving to her bed but laid awake, waiting for Veer to sleep. Dipika stepped out of the room moving towards the dungeon. Her mind playing back the incidents that shook her family. The attack on Veer, her captivity, Ranvijay almost losing his life and now attack on Dev and Rolli. It all started because of her and she was planning to end it.

As she descended the stairs , her eyes met that of her loyal guard Baljit. ''They will  know of it Hukum.''

''I am not worried about it. When they know, it will be over.'' He nodded making way for her. Dipika's eyes turned red in anger when they met that of her Father's mistress. Her grand mother's smiling face , her last written letter danced in her memories.  ''You must be so happy.'' The woman taunted

Dipika smirked , squatted. ''Not yet! You still have to pay for my Grand mother's pain. I know, it was you who administered poison in her food conspiring with my father. Now, you chose, you die or you family?''

''You don't have that kind of nerve.'' 

Dipika smirked. ''I am giving 5 mins, either that.'' She pointed towards the tumbler. ''or I feed your family to my Rani. Don't take this as just a threat, I will do it just like my father did. He fed his enemies to the wild.'' Dipika's eyes turned hard. The old woman gulped, her eyes went to her injured son and then to the woman who had changed so much. Killing was easier than welcoming own death, the realization came late but she could nothing about it. She understood, all those words about sending them to jail were just a cover up. Dipika Rathore came prepared, without thinking for a moment more, she gulped the liquid down as her son squirmed like a rat, his wounds bleeding him to death.

''Look at me while you die. I am the Prodigy of Late Queen Gayatri of Suryagarh. I am the current Queen of Suryagarh, and I sentence all of you to death.'' The woman gasped for her breath as Dipika recalled the day when the same woman had come in Rathore palace years back to pass on her father's message disguised as a dancer. She recalled her wicked smile every time Mahendra tortured his own daughter. Late Gayatri Singh  was the only mother Dipika ever knew. Today was the day, she avenged her. 

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