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''Is there anything else?'' Ananya asked her assistant at the NGO. The girl shook her head stating the job was done for the day. She made a call to her Balwant informing that she was ready to leave. Things had changed over the years for all of them. Though, all stood calm , Ananya missed Rudrani Devi, the late Queen mother who had changed her into the strong woman she was today. With her mother in law not keen in taking responsibilities and wished to retire, Ananya took the additional tasks with Dipika on her side.

She smiled recalling the past years, her family kids and Ranvijay. Their bond had only gotten stronger with each passing day. ''We are here Hukum.'' Balwant informed lost Ananya.

''Take rest of the time off Balwant! Apologies for holding you that long.'' She said with a smile. The guard bowed to his favourite Royal and stood their till she was inside the building. Ananya walked up the grand staircase towards her suite, it was a habit to keep herself moving. As she ascended, she could hear a discussion which turned into a quarrel has her feet moved closer. She closed her eyes once and marched in the direction of the sound.

''Vansh, Rolli...stop it. You aren't kids.'' Dipika was trying all to stop the fight among the siblings but both seemed un-affected. Vansh held on to Rolli's brown locks as she had him locked under her, punching him restlessly. She used the years of training and got her hair relased twisting his arm behind she pushed her brother to the wall , kneeing his butt hard Dipika slapped her son Vikram's butt hard, ''What are you laughing at, stop them.''

''I don't want to get scratched.'' He replied going back betting on the winner. Dipika huffed, she again went back trying to pull the two off each other.

Ananya stood at the door of Vicky's suite watching all the drama, she looked around and found a ruler on the study table. Grabbing it, she spanked Vansh and the Rolli making them jump apart.

''Rolli, you should be little responsible. What's all this?''

''This time he was at fault.'' She replied slapping back of Vansh's head.

''No mom, she initiated it. Ask Vicky.'' Vansh's words made Vicky's jaw drop. There was no way he wanted to get into the scuffle.

''He wasn't the one I caught fighting like hooligans, and I hell care for the reason. All I care is that you two should learn to behave. Dipika is requesting you guys to stop, yet you went along fighting like rowdies disrespecting her.'' The two siblings stood with their head hung low. ''Sorry Chachi!'' That came collective

''Ananya, its fine.'' Dipika tried calming her best friend come sister.

''No, its not and don't pamper them more.''

''I was telling the same thing A!'' Vicky added, Ananya looked at him with a raised brow. He smiled mischievously , taking a step he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, ''I never thought someone could look that beautiful when angry.'' That earned him a slap on his butt.


''You guys will leave in a week. Arrangements have been made, just pack your things.'' Ranvijay informed Vikram and Rolli on the dinner table.

''I am glad she is leaving, will now stay in peace.'' Vansh chimed and then cried in pain as she kicked his leg under the table.

''Both of you, stop now.'' That came from the their Grandfather the old kind, Giri Raj Singh. The kids immediately turned silent. He looked at Rolli, the pampered princess. A face so innocent that anyone would fall for it, ''Rolli, you are elder to him. If you find anything unbearable , just ignore and you young man!'' Vansh dropped the spoon coming into picture suddenly, ''Don't you dare forget she is the elder one and it's your duty to respect her.'' He nodded

Royals-The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now