Chapter 75

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''Why are you driving?'' Agni asked Rolli. The queen had decided to venture for the first time after her wedding, and she looked ready to rock.

''I love being in control.'' There was a smile as she drove into the dark lanes. The houses were old and walls black. A group of kids enjoyed their games on the road. They ran away when the saw her. Rolli waited for someone to notice her. She was aware the kids would inform their families, and someone would step out to know who stepped in.

There were few footsteps and she felt few crowding her vehicle. Agni loaded her gun to be prepared for an emergency.

''Why are you here?'' Came a hurtful gruff voice.

''To check on all of you.''

''Or rub salt on our wounds. Get out before we do something.'' The voice came from the other corner. Agni watched as Rolli's lips stretched into a smile. ''No one can ask me to get out of her. These are my lands; my property and I can step in here whenever I like.'' Her words bought silence. Moving her eyes through every face she added. ''You and I both know how pathetic your situation is, and you know it will detoriate further if you got no help.''

''We don't need your help.''

She smirked. ''I know the one helping you, buying your precious vote, but before you do that, remember this, if that man wins, I will throw you all out of here that very moment, and no one will be able to stop me. Now chose, that guy or the roof on your head. That man holds no power over me. ''

''You seemed to be scared Queen!'' A man taunted

She narrowed her eyes at him moving it to the walls. ''My brother burned those, didn't he? And could anyone of you do a thing about it?'' The answer came in silence. "I won't mind burning it again. Dev came here to offer you a life, a future for your kids, but you refused all. So, here is the deal, it's going to be my way or no way. You have a day to think.'' Without waiting for any response, she jumped into her jeep, backed it with force dispersing the crowd and then accelerated forward driving off.

''You just took a mad risk.''

''The risk brings a change.''

''They could of have hurt you.''

''They are scared. They can do nothing. Now, get me that politician.''

''You want an appointment.'' Agni asked tongue in cheek

''I am the Queen here. Send him the message. ''


''How can you allow her to go alone?'' Dev blasted his security. They tried to answer but they never got a chance. Their king never appeared this this mad before. ''One scratch on her and I will skin all of you.''

''You don't have to that.'' Rolli interrupted. Smiling at the guards she apologized. ''Sorry, on his behalf and you guys can go an relax.'' Dev pulled her hard against his chest. ''Don't you dare pull such a stunt again. I was so worried.''

''Wow! When you pull me hard against your chest, feels awesome.'' She replied dreamily. He smiled but quickly hid it. Holding her at an arm distance he warned. ''I said my way. They could have hurt you.''

''No Dev, they are just woman and kids and to win their trust, I will have to use force.'' She stepped closer. ''Dev, this is the only bottle neck, we have their trust, we can relax.'' He just nodded hugging her tight. She pecked his shoulder and cheek, her eyes moving up. Vasudha was next in her list.


''Why are we here Leela?'' Urvi screamed in her cousin's ear to make herself heard in the deafening music. Leela was already grooving in her place. Stretching her lips, she replied. ''I have been really stressed because if Ranawats and I needed a break. Let's drink to sisters.'' Urvi gaped at her cousin. Leela might really be stressed as she decided to come for the club and now wanted to drink. She wondered if Maan could be that stressing as a person. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to let it be, this was the first time Leela wanted to go wild and she was going to be there to take her back home.

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