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''Did you find what you have been looking for so many days?''Sona yelped hearing the voice behind her. She had been on a mission to find the secret passage but scrutinising eyes made it difficult to look around. It had been almost a week since Dev arrived in Jaigarh and she still couldn't find a way out alone. How much ever she tried to behave normal, there were a pair of eyes that held doubt for her, Vansh.

''You didn't answer me sister.'' Vansh asked again 

''I don't see the need to answer you.'' Sona replied, trying her best to look confident

He smiled, ''This region of Palace is closed for everyone, and that includes you. So would you mind enlighten me what are you doing here?''

''I lost my way. This place is too big and confusing.'' She replied confident

Vansh smirked, ''You have been losing your way almost daily during the late hours, and miraculously you find your way back again. Quite a coincidence. ''

There was a silence, Vansh waited for SOna to respond. She just walked off but her legs froze hearing his words, ''This is Jaigarh and this is why I am just questioning you. If anyone here gets harmed and because of you, trust me there will be no more questions, there would just be execution.''

Vansh turned away. ''Why do you doubt me ?'' She asked frustrated at his continuous probing. Vansh smile, he had been waiting for her to ask that question.

''Answer this, why are yo so distant when everyone is trying to warm up to you? Why do you and Vicky live in separate rooms ? It was a love match, you willingly married him because Vikram can never force a girl.'' She stayed quite , Vansh waited to give her a minute and then added, ''There is something which you are hiding from us or there is something you really don't know about us. I don't care what it is, I just know that I will not spare any one who would bring any kind of danger upon us.'' Vansh walked away, his jaw clenched and fingers curled into a fist. His instincts knew she was hiding something and he hoped it wasn't something which would harm his family.


''Hey there soldier, how have you been.'' Rolli spoke into the phone answering Siddhant's call.

''I am good, wanted to check if you are available to meet up for a coffee?'' He asked a little hesitant.

''Let me think, did the pampered princess Raina turned you down?'' She teased

There was a silence, she heard Siddhant taking a deep breath. ''Princess Aahana Rathod, how many times do I have to tell you that please don't mention Raina. I feel nothing for her.''

''She loves you Siddhant. I know she is little childish but her love is true and no one should refuse the true love.''

Rolli could hear Siddhant smiling on the other side, ''Same goes with you. I have been in love with for years. May be it wasn't true enough to win your heart.''

''I didn't mean to hurt you.'' She was quick to apologise

''Rolli, I don't expect you to accept my feelings but don't play the match making game with me.'' He requested, his voice held the pain of unattainable love. Rolli shut her eyes tight. She had always known of his feelings and of Raina too. But she didn't wanted to hurt her cousin or her friend. It was all supposed to be a healthy teasing but Rolli knew she took it little far. 

''Pick me up in half an hour. lets have some fun.'' He agreed disconcerting the call. Rolli walked to the window looking out over the Palace gardens . It could have been easy to reincorporate Siddhant feelings, and have a life with him. He was sweet and had been her friend for long, they knew each other very well. Rolli huffed, may be this was the reason that she never fell for him. She craved for mystery, a little action. Too sweet wasn't her thing. She enjoyed action , danger, it gave her blood some kind of rush. 

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