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''She will be fine son. She has all of us.'' Aadhavan squeeze Dev shoulder taking the seat next to his step son. The moment he heard of the all, he decided to be on Dev's side. When Sagar reached his home, he told his father that he was on a trip for which just 4 students were selcted and were not allowed to use phones. Aadhavan realised that Rathores very cleverly initiated the plan of Sagar's kidnapping, because when he checked with the college, his son was missing. He understood, the institute too was being pushed to agree to the terms

''You shouldn't have come, you need rest.'' Dev replied after a long pause

''Aadhavan smiled, ''No parents can rest with their kids in pain.'' Dev stared at the man he took care of him since he was a kid yet, he could never address him as a father due to the hatred fed by his mother. Dev broke down, he hugged his step father poring the pain that gripped his heart. Aadhavan rubbed his back, ''Cry it out son! I am here to hear all.''

''I am sorry! My madness costed Sona her marriage.''

''No, Sona and her husband is blamed for the failure of this marriage. Love dies in absence of communication. Plus, did she bother to ask or inform us about getting married. No! she made a decision now she should be ready to handle the repercussions.'' Aadhavan sounded angry. He couldn't forgive his daughter for marrying like this. He had always given his kids all the freedom but Sona's little act had left him fleeing betrayed. 

''I am sorry Appa and I want to go home.'' Aadhavan couldn't take more, he hugged Dev tight. Since he had known Dev, he had always been little aloof but a behaved boy. With moving time, Aadhavan had taken the boy as his own but never saw the same affection from Dev. Now, when Dev addressed him as a father, he wanted to be one now when his son was miserable.

''You should learn to take care of this estate as well.''

 ''Once she is fine, I will give all to her. She bought me up so that she could have all this, and I go back to have the life I missed.'' He sounded bitter and Aadhavan decided to let it be. He decided o talk it out once Dev was ready to talk.


''You shot your own wife?'' Ranvijay glared at Vikram waiting for his nephew's explanation. 

''he did what was necessary then, he had no intention to kill her.'' Ananya intervened, Ranvijay ignored, ''Answer me Vikramjeet Singh Rathore. ''

''I did, her brother shot you and she tried to escape. I had to something to make him comeback.'' Vikram reasoned his eyes on the floor. Ranvijay took a step and Vikram stepped back, Ananya tried to intervene but warning came from the king.

''Have you ever wondered why you even had to take that step?'' Vikram was about to answer but Ananya shook her head. Vikram lowered her eyes, on receiving no answer Ranvijay added ,'' Because you both never spoke to each other like a husband wife should. Did you ever ask her the reason why she kept herself scheduled or was she disturbed about something?  Neither you nor Sonakshi thought it was important to speak out your minds. '' Ranvijay racked his fingers through his hair, ''When she is coming back?''

Ananya slapped her forehead, they both had no answer to that question and if Ranvijay got to know that Dipika warned Saonakhi against stepping in Jaigarh , he would take her class as well. She knew she had to salvage the situation now or it will be late. ''She is taking care of her mother.''

''Netra can never be a mother to a girl like Sona. You and I both know that. Sona is innocent and this is why this Vicky of yours could trap her.'' Vikram stared a Ananya , pleading to save him.

 ''Vicky, go take a breather and Ranvijay you need rest.'' She gestured Vikram to leave who stood frozen, with a nod he ran off as Ranvijay screamed behind him, ''you still have to answer me young man.''

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