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Vansh rocked the old wooden chair as his mind worked on numerous ways to keep an eye on the staff. He was aware, most of them were extremely loyal but to figure out the weeds in Rathore pastures he had to take the step. He smiled looking at the sample of new uniforms for the staff, in particular it was the button after the collar, random uniform held the cameras and microphones. He had asked Veer to pass a new rule that staff will have to submit the uniforms when they call the day.

Vansh was glad that his uncle gave him the insight on which they could trust blindly and who should be under the scanner, he was ready. Now, he just had to wait for odd one to pop up.

With a huff, he left the chair and switched off the lights of the big Library. Moving out, he firmly locked the door as he made his way to his suite. Vansh had plans to be prepared with at least something concrete about the hidden enemies which would help him brief and prepare Vikram . He smiled recalling his siblings he hadn't seen for a year, they were visiting for summer break and Vansh had planned a lot for his brother. About sister, he was planning to be in control as he had been warned by his dad against misbehaving with their precious Princess. Vansh scoffed, only if they knew she was a walking trouble.

He entered and locked his suited , moving to the window of his room which overlooked the lush Palace gardens. Unlike many, his suite didn't had an extended portico and he was glad for that. He never liked them anyways, his eyes wandered around and then got fixed on someone siting by the huge marble fountain. He smiled as he watched the figure scan the surroundings. Vansh shook his head, Chitra was no where close to her mother Sitara. If Sitara was a predator, Chitra was a blooming flower. It was difficult to discover Sitara even if she was close whereas Chitra could be heard miles away. He watched as she climbed over the fountain wall rolling her bottoms till knee, she then sat on the circular marble fountain wall tossing her legs into the water. He chuckled as she moved them against the water causing small ripples. He was sure she was humming her favorite song. Vansh contemplated against joining her , with a shake of his head he quickly made his way to the elevator and then to fountain.

Vansh tip toed to Chitra then booed her from behind, she squeaked all scared, was about to slip when he pulled her back to her place, ''What are you doing here all alone at this hour?'' He asked , sliding next to her. She stayed silent , her eyes on the water. After a minute, she turned and locked her eyes with his making Vansh smile unknowingly, ''I will tell you on a condition.'' He nodded gesturing her to go ahead, ''I came here because I couldn't sleep and condition is you won't tell my mother about be loitering here in the night.''

''I won't but it can be dangerous.''

''This is home, how can it be dangerous.'' She asked with a innocent tilt of her neck

''it's a big Palace, you can't just trust everyone around. People's intention and feelings change with a flick of fingers.'' Vansh explained

She stared at him for long, ''Do you know Hukum what is best about trust?'' He shook his head , waiting for her to respond. She smiled, ''It makes you fearless and happy. Like I am. I know I am safe and someone would be definitely watching over me. Like today.'' She drawled.

He smiled, pulled her nose hard before giving up. For her 12 years, she was way too matured. They sat there for about an hour before he walked her to the quarters, walking back to him room.


''Why have you turned into a saint?'' Rolli asked her brother who had turned an introvert since past few months. Though, he was one but not with her. Vikram just shrugged his shoulders going back to his laptop but Rolli wasn't the one to give up, ''Would you prefer a head massage bhai?''

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