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"Let's begin the ritual" Ranvijay announced , addressing the family

Aadhavan nodded, stepping forward he ordered his staff  to place the huge silver plates from bride side  on the small dais arranged for the ceremony . The staff walked and arranged the stuff  consists of a bunch of bananas, betel leaves & nuts, coconut and fruits along with the gifts he bought for Rathore's family. 

Vikram sighed , he hopes of seeing Sona before the wedding crashed when she didn't appear with her family. His expressions mirrored his disappointment as he looked bored and irritated about her absence. Ananya smiled, her eyes had never left Vikram's face since the ceremony started. He looked anxious , she was sure everyone in the room could hear his madly beating heart. 

 On pretext of a conversation, she stepped closer , pinching his arm lightly she whispered a question, "What's the matter?"

 "Hero and supporting cast is present  but where is the heroine?"

Ananya scanned him from head to toe, "Bride is not allowed to visit groom's home until the wedding  Vicky."

He blinked once, his heart protested against the stupid ritual but his voice couldn't control the anguish, "WHAT?"

His sudden outburst froze all movements bringing attention to Vikram. Ananya pressed her lips moving aside while others stared  at him with confusion. Vikram gulped , turning his eyes to Ananya he begged her for the rescue, she in turn just shrugged her shoulders. 

Ranvijay followed the silent conversation finally fixing his eyes on Ananya, whose eyes went wide realising she will have to answer, "What, WHAT?"

Ananya gestured Vikram to answer Ranvijay , warning him with her big eyes. Vikram opened his mouth but nothing came out. His lips kept moving but and he stammers to tell what he asked her. Ranvijay huffed, his frowned brows moved to his wife, the gesture was clear , he needed and answer.

Aadhavan shared a smiled with Dev , they understood what Vikram was looking for. Dev nodded, Adhavan turned his eyes to his son in law.  , "Bride is not allowed to visit groom's home before marriage. It's our custom." Vikram paled , his secret was out as the room turned silent making him the center of attraction.

After a moment, the room echoed with laughter. Vikram buried his face into his palms. Ranvijay shook his head, he wanted to say million things but decided to keep it for later. Turning to Aadhavan, he politely asked,, "So, what do we do next?"

Aadhavan added, "We need to exchange these platters  as part of our marriage agreement" He requested the priest to seal the bond between the families with mantras an blessings, "Please take us forward"

The priest made both the family sit opposite to each other, beginning the ritual to bond them together through their kids.He started the ritual with chanting the pious mantras , paused and then addressed the two sides, "Are both sides ready  for this marriage?"

Aadhavan responded through his smile ,"We are very  happy, and agree for this marriage with all our heart.''

The priest now turned to Rathore family , he was about to ask the same question  but Ranvijay answered  "Without a doubt. We are blessed to have another daughter in our family. We are more than happy to have Sona in our life and we too agree for this marriage.''

, "Now, I would request the parents  of bride and groom should exchange the platters and confirm the bond.''

Ranvijay stepped aside giving space to Veer Dipika to take the rightful place. The Priest nodded but when his eyes fell on the bride side, a frown marred his forehead.

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