Chapter- 12

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''Who gave you the right to go back behind back and disclosed my plans to Sitara Ma! Why do you have to be a gossip monger? '' Vikram sounded furious. He couldn't contain his anger and decided to see the culprit, his sister at once. On his return, He got reprimanded from Sitara and then his mother being labelled as careless and rouge. Sitara praised Rolli for being responsible about his safety and he lost it. As per his plans, no was suppose to know yet everyone knew now.

Vikram had then barged into Rolli's suite to confront her with Vansh in tow. She greeted him with smile but his raised voice made her frown. She replied calm, ''I did what I was supposed to do.''

That irked him, ''You are suppose to mind your own business and stay out of mine. I don't need you to keep me safe. What do you think of yourself? A little training will make you invincible, no! Its you who needs my help not me. So stop acting like a super woman.''

Rolli felt hurt. How could he say that and to her, it wasn't the first time she had watched his back. If not for her, he would have been reprimanded severely by elders for being reckless at times. With a shake of head she turned, an indication that he was dismissed. He grabbed her arm, ''You cannot disrespect me. Look at me when I am talking to you.''

''I don't have to as I don't want to.'' That matched his aggression.

''Have you forgotten who am I?'' he warned

''No! The would be title holder but that's the future. The fact about present is that I am the daughter of current king, the first born of Ranvijay Rathore, and no one can barge in my room unannounced without my permission. So, if you are done the door is on the other side.'' Vikram's grip loosen, he stepped back , her eyes resembled the molten lava.

''You cannot talk to him like that.'' Vansh retorted

''And you will shut up now as I know what you have been doing even when you were asked to stop. After all, I am a gossip monger.'' She stared at the two with ferocious eyes, ''Leave my room now!'' She turned away dismissing them. As soon as walked out, the tears that she held for so long made their way down her cheeks. She had loved her brothers with all her might but they failed to understand her many times. She never hoped anything from Vansh as they never got along but Vikram was like her reflection. The rude words from his mouth hurt her bad.

Once they were out, she locked her door firm and dashed into her study. Like Ranvijay, she too painted but only at peak of her emotions. It wasn't the first time they had fought but it was the first time he had shown his authority, something even her father never did. She was now mad..

Dev's phone pinged with a Skype request. He smiled realising it was Rolli, ''So you finally you got time to remember me.'' He teased

''I don't have to because I never forgot you.'' She answered making his heart swell.

He could read her eyes and knew something was wrong, ''Hey love, what's up?''

''Nothing, just had a tiff with siblings. I sometimes feel I should have had a sister instead of brothers.''

''Happens. Now, when are you back ?''

''In 10 days! Anything important.''

He smiled, ''yes, I have a camping trip planned with few friends. Care to join.''

''Consider me in. Why would I miss a chance to romance you in forest.'' She wriggled her brows making him chuckle. Rolli watched him smile, ''Dev, you look wonderful with that smile. You should smile a little more.''

''I will, if I have you. You are my smile.'' He confessed. She gave him her best dimpled smile evading all the emptiness of years, ''Rolli, I won't let you go away from me. I will come for you where ever you go.''

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